Sylvester Stallone steroids

Sylvester Stallone steroids

Sylvester Stallone before and after using steroids and HGH

Sylvester Stallone was caught with 50 vials of Human Growth Hormone in an Australian airport in 2007.  And Sylvester Stallone admitted using it.

Now that everybody know that Sylvester Stallone uses HGH.  The new question is: Is Sylvester Stallone used steroids?  The answer is probably, YES!  I think that Sly himself even admitted using steroids.

Age 37 at left and age 67 at right (while filming Bullet to the Head in 2013). 
Sylvester Stallone still leaner than ever in his late 60’s.
Drugs or not, this guy is unbelievable!!!

An expert on the subject (see the link below) suggested that the Sylvester Stallone steroids cycle and HGH cycle is the following:

The drugs he is using are:

  • Testosterone
  • Human growth hormone
  • Deca durabolin
  • Anavar
  • Clenbuterol
He is probably using testosterone and deca for an 18 week bulking cycle.
Cutting Phase:
Then after the 18-week bulking up phase.  Stop using deca to avoid water retention and look lean. Continues testosterone and goes on an anavar cycle and some clen to cut as much fat as possible.
And he apparently uses HGH all year long.
Then, as Rocky or Rambo, our favorite hero is ready to ruuuuuumble!!!  Again and again.
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P.S. (All of the above is purely hypothetical.  Since nobody know for sure what Sylvester Stallone is using to be that freaky at such an advanced age.)



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    2 thoughts on “Sylvester Stallone steroids

    1. Je suis d'accord avec l'utilisation d'hormone considérant son âge puisque la production naturelle est très faible à 67 ans. On dira ce qu'on voudra, je ne connais personne de cet âge avec une shape pareil. – Passepoille

    2. En effet, Sylvester Stallone est un modele pour nous tous. Il a reussi a tout les niveaux. D'ailleurs chacun est libre de consommer les produits qu'il ou qu'elle desire.

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