World’s Greatest Fighter

ALIASES: WGF, The Perfect Fighter, The Franchise, Mr. Perfect, “Perfection” Rock Armstrong (California), Super Fighter, Real Life Superhero, Jack Santos (debut), The Last Action Hero, “El Combatiente” Santos Dixon (Mexico), The Chosen One, The Face of the SLAUGHTERSPORT, Corporate Champion, The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs (UST-3)
GIVEN NAME: Santos Dixon
BIRTHPLACE:Torrance, Los Angeles, California, United States 
BILLED FROM:Southern California, USA

HEIGHT: 6’5″
AGE: 24

BODYFAT: about 5 to 8% year-long
HAND SPAN: 10.5″
FISTS: 15.5″

NECK: 20″
BICEPS: 18.5″  19″ (UST 4)
CHEST/Norm.: 48″
CHEST/Exp.: 50″
WAIST: 32″
THIGH: 26″
CALF: 17″
ANKLE: 10″
FOREARM: 14.5″

CATEGORY: Chemically & Artificially Assisted
ETHNICITY: bi-racial. Half Black / half Brazilian  
HERITAGE: Brazilian mother and African American father

World’s Greatest Fighter: 6’5″ 239lbs 4.35(40) 29 rep(BP) 45(vertical) 11’10(broad jump)

40-YARD DASH (36.58 m): 4.35 seconds
100 METERS: 10.23 seconds
60 METERS: 6.81 seconds
200 METERS: 21.51 seconds
BROAD JUMP: 11’10”

BENCH PRESS 225 LB: 32 reps
BENCH PRESS: 425 lbs
SQUAT: 630 lbs  660 lbs (UST 4)
DEADLIFT: 710 lbs
HANG CLEAN: 400 lbs
POWER CLEAN: 352 lbs
Captains of Crush No. 4 Gripper closer (365 lbs of pressure to close)

Climb to the top of a gymnasium rope without using his legs. Which is an incredible feat of grip strength.
A one arm handstand, at any time.
Perform the iron cross

VO2 MAX: 60 ml/kg/min



“World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon is a breeding and science project.

Beauty, Brain and Brawn.

Very tall with a super thick bone structure.

As his numbers can attest, WGF is a superhuman athlete, an athletic prodigy. He has an unseen combination of size (6 ft 5 in and 239 lb), hands, speed (40-yard dash in 4.35 seconds and 100 meter in 10.23 seconds), strength, leaping ability, body control and hand-eye coordination.  A unique combination of strength, speed, and agility.  Can do standing back flip at will and one time landed one in the splits for fun.

Santos Dixon aka WGF had incredible grip strength.  He is known for being so powerful that he often can knock people out
with an open-handed slap.  Had incredibly large and extremely thick hands for his body size.  Another of his impressive grip strength, he can
climb to the top of a gymnasium rope without using his legs.  Can submit a fighter on an handshake.

Born into a family of fighters, WGF is a third-generation competitor.  WGF is perhaps the most perfect specimen combat sports has ever seen,  WGF
looked as though he was constructed in a laboratory by a team of scientists
tasked with creating the perfect fighting machine
(That’s exactly what he is.)

Genetics + Hard Work + Science = Excellence

He is the perfect specimen of athletic prowess and intelligence.

“World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon is the better than perfect combination of breeding, feeding, training, steroids and drugs.

HOME FIELD: Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, California, United States (93,607)
Madison Square Garden, New York, New York, United States (around 20,000 spectators)

ENTRANCE MUSIC: wwe Mr. Perfect theme song

A sold-out arena chanting, stomping and clapping 
“Dixon bomaye!”

CATCH PHRASE: Focus, Dedication, and Ambition. That’s what I’m all about!
First, build your brain. Second, build your body. Third, be the best you can. Fourth, do whatever it’s take to win. 

“Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next.” – “World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon

FIGHTING TRAINERS: Terence Dixon, Helio Santos, Charles Santos, Shozo Takagi, Alexandros di Sparta, Gotch Bruno, Mario Santos, Lou Reid…

Building the Perfect Fighter
The Team Behind WGF

THE STRATEGIST: chess master
THE HEAD COACH: Terence Dixon
THE BODY COACH: Coach John Lloyd, a world class NFL strength and conditioning coach
THE BJJ COACH: Mario Santos from the Santos Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Torrance, California
THE DOCTOR: Dr. Francis Marshall (added after UST 1) — He creates the drug cycles, nutritional plans, and provides the steroids and the growth hormone.


Was trained by Terence Dixon, Helio Santos, Charles Santos, Shozo Takagi, Alexandros di Sparta, Gotch Bruno, Mario Santos …

Splits his training time between Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Southern California.

“World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon knows
all the Data on the SLAUGHTERSPORT Combatants. His team analyzed The
Big Thing’s, Simson’s, Andromache the Great’s, and everyone else’s
tactics. He has been training with this
analysis in mind. The plotting of Santos’s heart
rate when he is using certain tactics is monitored in a notebook. His
team are researching scientifically what
Santos can be.


is constantly in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil training with the guys from the
Santos Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & MMA Academy. He has an entire
supporting crew of 10 people there. A different training partner for
each of the following discipline: Boxing, Judo, Vale Tudo, Luta Livre,
Muay Thai, four sparring partners and one fitness training partner.


Dixon perfected his moves through technique and endless repetition. Said to practice his nearly unstoppable takedown 25,000 times

“The World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon
Branding Team

TRAINER / MANAGER: His father Terence Dixon (50/50 with WGF)
AGENT / LAWYER: Lou E. “Cockroach” Cochran (take 20% of all earnings) –fired after UST 2
He is now represented by SLAUGHTERSPORT Management.
PUBLICIST / SOCIAL MEDIA GAL: Diane Spencer (flat fee of $8,000 per month for 20 hours a week, on-call 24/7) Fired before UST-3, is now entirely represented by SLAUGHTERSPORT Management.

MASTER TAILOR: A reputed Italian tailor with several decades of experience who made him the most perfect $6,000 custom-tailored suits Money can buy. One of the greatest tailor in the world. 

SLAUGHTERSPORT Management: Now has a full-time team in exchange of a 10% fee.

  • Agent/lawyer
  • Manager
  • Assistant


WGF’s entourage (UST-3)
(12 people ever-present entourage to fill the 12-seat private jet)
  1. SLAUGHTERSPORT Management: Female booking agent/publicist
  2. SLAUGHTERSPORT Management: Agent/lawyer
  3. SLAUGHTERSPORT Management: Personal assistant
  4. SLAUGHTERSPORT Studios: personal cameraman
  5. SLAUGHTERSPORT Management: barber/dresser/shoe shiner
  6. Doctor/cutmanDr. Francis Marshall (added after UST 1)  — He creates the drug cycles, nutritional plans, and provides the steroids and the growth hormone.
  7. Bodyguard/best friend/chauffeur/valet/sparring partner/training partner/groupie picker/weed carrierBig Daddy (6’7″, 368 lbs, 5XL T-shirt, age 34, black belt in Karate, carry an handgun, from Detroit, Michigan) A white man. 
  8. Bodyguard: Baby Big, USA, 7’1″, 430 lbs, 7XL T-shirt. He is always the first in line. (added at UST 3) A black man dedicated to serve his boss.
  9. SLAUGHTERSPORT Security agent. To replace L&H Security whom WGF and Big Daddy hated and bullied.
  10. SLAUGHTERSPORT Security agent. To replace L&H Security.
  11. Sparring partner/bodyguard: Fat Frank, Little Italy, Manhattan, New York, 6’4″, 530-pound, 30 years old Italo-American pro wrestler with 6 years of experience.   Added shortly after Round 8 of UST-3.
  12. SLAUGHTERSPORT Center. Angel. Big tits athletic blonde massage therapist/fuck doll dressed in white sexy nurse outfit.
  13. SLAUGHTERSPORT Center. Ariel. Big tits athletic brunette Latina massage therapist/fuck doll dressed in white sexy nurse outfit.
  1. Terence Dixon: Father, head trainer & strategist
  2. Stats Man: Sabermetrics (statistical behavioral fight analyst) Added just before UST-3 by Terence Dixon to assist him in developing fighting strategies. A chubby, glasses wearing, mid-20s, always dressed in cheap suits with a tie, stats geek with his inseparable laptop. He worked in a meat factory before being recruited by Terence Dixon.
  3. Ellie Santos: Mother & cornerwoman
  4. Charles Santos: Uncle, trainer and sparring partner
  5. Mario Santos: Uncle & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu coach
  6. Coach John Lloyd, a world class NFL strength and conditioning coach
  7. Boxing coach: Lou Reid — the world champ’s trainer and Hall of Fame trainer who has worked with UST Combatant The Big Thing and Big Bully Brawler recently.
  8. Sports Chiropractor
  9. Engineer/Armorer: The man in charge of his fighting gear with embedded sensors.
  • Local liaison/translater/chaperon
  • Always has four additional SLAUGHTERSPORT Security agents at the door of his dressing room at UST-3 Events.

Former entourage just before UST-3 year:

HEAD TRAINER & MANAGER: His father Terence Dixon
CUTMAN: Dr. Francis Marshall (added after UST 1)
AGENT/LAWYER: Lou E. Cochran (fired after UST 2) 
BODYGUARD / BEST FRIEND / CHAUFFEUR / VALET / SPARRING PARTNER / GROUPIE PICKER: Big Daddy (6’7″, 368 lbs, 5XL T-shirt, age 34, black belt in Karate, carry an handgun, from Detroit, Michigan) A white man. 
Very useful, since WGF’s groupies consumption will take legendary proportions during UST 3. The Champion’s dressing room is always full of naked women chosen from the crowd and eager to please.
CORNERWOMAN: His mother Ellie Santos
BRAZILIAN CELEBRITY: His uncle Charles Santos, age 32, a retired legendary BKB & SLAUGHTERSPORT Fighter.
L&H SECURITY: Bruce Harris, Appalachia, USA, 6’8″, 318 lbs, age 38, boot size 14 & Jay Jones, West Virginia, USA, 5’9″, 197 lbs, age 34. They were hired and paid for by the UST as WGF’s bodyguards and as PYGOD’s stooges to keep him informed about his crown jewel. The stooges were named L&H Security for Laurel & Hardy because of their height and size disparity. (added after UST 2) Two white men.
SECURITY DETAIL: Baby Big, USA, 7’1″, 430 lbs, 7XL T-shirt. He is always the first in line. (added at UST 3) A Black man dedicated to serve his boss.


His father Terence Dixon oversees everything and has the last word on everything.
Terence Dixon’s influence over his son diminushed before UST 3 with the explosion of his son’s popularity and revenues.

STYLE: Mixed Martial Arts (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu / Muay Thai / Wrestling / Boxing) later rebranded as SLAUGHTERSPORT

– Started fighting at the age of 18 MONTHS.
– Started training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai at the age of 5 by his grandfather, the legendary Helio Santos.

– Started running at 8.

– Started competing in Jiu-Jitsu at 8.
– Started amateur wrestling (Greco Roman and Freestyle) at 10 in High School.
– Started training in boxing at 13.

– Started weight training and dieting at 14.

– Was intensively trained by his father Terence Dixon at 14 to make his pro debut at 15.
– Started to train at the Charles Santos Academy at 16.
– Black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (received at 18)
– NCAA Division I Wrestling (10 years of amateur wrestling)

– His father, Terence Dixon, trained him to be ‘The Best Fighter In The World’ since day one.

He is the best at following a game plan and is almost
unfeasible to submit and virtually impossible to catch with a straight

He is #1 because he is the one with the best strategy and “special edge”.

MMA RECORD: 13-6 (Learned the hard way.  Starting at 15 years old against full-grown and often bigger men) in 7 years
Japan Combat Libre Champion (title once held by Gotch Bruno) 1 year 7 months 12 days reign at age 20-21 
SLAUGHTERSPORT record: 14-0 (1 KILL)
Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 1 record: 3-0
Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 record: 7-0 (1 KILL)

IQ 160 190
EDUCATION: Bachelor’s Degree in Biology (graduated cum laude at the age of 21).  His father wanted him to get a good education.
HIGH SCHOOL: Graduated from High School with a perfect 4.0 GPA.
MAJOR: Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (minor in law science and technology). Graduated from the University of California, Berkeley in two years with a 4.0 GPA.
GPA: 4.0
SAT SCORE: 1580 
MCAT SCORE: 34 (The average score for med school applicants is about 28.)
LANGUAGE SPOKEN: English, Portugese, Japanese, and Spanish.
CHESS RATING: grandmaster rated 2556 by FIDE.  His father taught him to play chess at the age of 3.

OCCUPATION: Fighting Champion, Movie Star, Chess Grandmaster and Fitness Model

“The World’s Greatest Man” Santos Dixon is a fighter and an actor at the same time.

FAMILY BACKGROUND: World’s Greatest Fighter comes from fighting royalty.  He is a third-generation fighter.  He is the son of famous shoot wrestler Terence Dixon and Ellie Santos, grandson of Helio Santos, and nephew of Charles Santos, Mario Santos, and Dr. Tarek Santos. His body has superior genes. He can train all day.

Born into a financially wealthy family of fighters.  His father Terence Dixon always been obsessed by chess.  So, Santos Dixon was indoctrinated and home-schooled at the age of 3 to be focused on chess.  He was obligated by his father to practice up to 15 hours a day.  He is a FIDE Grandmaster rated 2556, as of the age of 20.

A big football fan, Santos always dreamed to play college football.  But his dictatorial father didn’t want him to play football.  Instead, he wanted him to focus on combat sports and not risking injuries in other sports.

Forced by his father Terence Dixon, to train as a fighter and play chess since the age of 3.  Some said he was robbed of his childhood.  His family always pressured him to achieve his absolute best physically and intellectually.  From the first day he started school, he was always assisted by a private teacher at home. 

During his childhood, he was kept in strict seclusion. Dedicating all of his time towards chess and training, he never had time to play with friends and experience a typical childhood. Any typical child toys and play were forbidden by his tyrannical father. The only game he could play was chess. Everything was about perfecting chess and fighting. Anything else was forbidden.

His monastic childhood days looked like this: Rising pre-dawn, training before, during, and after school.

Being on a strict diet enforced by his father, he was never
able to eat junk food or any sweets.  Today,
he credited his father’s strict discipline as playing a large role in his

Once said that when he was 15, he was so into martial arts that he didn’t even
have time for a girlfriend. It was probably prohibited by his father.

To this days, his father still pull the strings.

His father, Terence Dixon, age 58, is a legendary QCUK shoot wrestler, multi millionaire, gym owner, chess master, born-again Christian, and former California Fighting League owner.

Long before he was great, his pushy father always introduced him as 
The Future Best Fighter in the World.

ARSENAL: Wrestling & Takedown (ability to take down an opponent at will), Game Planning, Lay N Pray, Impose his rythm and his will on his opponents, Takedown Defense (never been taken down to date), Outstanding speed and agility.

FINISHER: Figure Four Leglock (His secret weapon for Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2)

Left High Kick, Slam, Ground & Pound, Knee Strike, Liver Shot, Armbar, Rear Naked Choke,


  • Leg Locks to end the fight in 5 seconds or less. Snatch his enemy’s leg, execute a takedown, and snap a joint. (Perfected while training for UST 4) 
  • Despite being mainly an outside fighter, he perfected his head movement to fight more often inside his enemies range to confuse them. (New technique for UST 4)
  • Tokui Waza. Mastered the movement and six sets-ups and combinations to begin it.
  • Hadaka Jime. A rear naked strangle designed to crush the larynx of your enemy to kill him.
Practising each move and set-up thousands of times until perfection.

TRAINING REGIMEN: His training regimen is cutting edge and turned him a fighting machine…  Brazilian Jiu Jitsu master…  Perfect Work Ethic 

  • Wake at 5 AM for running… Run 10 to 20 miles a day (1 to 2 hours)…
  • Do 3,000 sit-ups a day for 2 hours non-stop every morning, sometimes while watching TV.
  • Four-hour daily practices.  
  • Exercise about an 1h30 each day in an Olympic training facility with his world class strength coach.  
  • Do 200 sit-ups, 250 push-ups, 100 chin-ups before bed.
  • Go to bed at 9 PM for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night
  • Workout 7 days a week

DIET:  Perfect Diet

  • He consume 12,000 calories each day.  
  • Drink a half-gallon of milk a day.  
  • His diet consists of horse meat. 
  • The best supplements in the world (whey protein powder, creatine, fat burners).


  • He is a closet anabolic steroids user (Deca-Durabolin and Winstrol) , human growth hormone, gene therapy, EPO, Modafinil user and weed smoker. (He added more steroids, HGH, and EPO to his stack after UST 1).  Started using steroids (mainly D-bol) at age 13 under the supervision of his father. At the time, he did use steroids, but in much smaller doses than today and only 2 months per year. Added GHB before sleeping the year of UST-3.
  • He is a daily weed smoker. His post workout ritual is a shower and a joint. Smokes weed before his matches to relax and before a night of sleep.
  • He sells the image of a goodie two shoes perfect role model but in reality he is a selfish, arrogant, cold, aloof and distant egomaniac. He avoids contact with other Combatants and his fans except for promotional purposes. The only fans that he wants to be up close with are his groupies.
  • He got PYGOD’s friendship. He was hand-picked as the Chosen One, Face of the Company / Best for Business SLAUGHTERSPORT Champion…
  • PYGOD and his father Terence Dixon insisted that he should never get a tattoo, a body piercing, a beard neither change his haircut, alter his look nor getting fat. He must stay in top shape and lean all year round, always be freshly-shaved, dress sharp, and present himself in public as the goodie two shoes role model superhero that he is.
  • He is a fervent catholic or at least pretends to be one.  
  • He wears a special suit that make him as slippery as possible plus Vaseline on his neck, face, jawline, chin, helmet, and over his suit on the lower back. 
  • He uses plaster of Paris powder in and on his handwraps so they harden when moist. (UST 3)
  • Has the knuckles of his gloves and his shoulders, over his suit, rubbed in astringent compound mixed with ammonia before his wars to temporarily blind his opponents. Making their eyes “burn”.
  • He wears a wireless earpiece hidden in his right ear to receive directives from his coach and father Terence Dixon during his matches. 
  • He has impact/contact sensors all over his bodysuit and helmet to help Terence Dixon yelling orders giving him instructions in his earpiece.
  • Has glove sensors small enough to fit in the back of glove linings that can measure the type, accurancy, and speed of each punch thrown. (UST 3)
  • Wears other biometric sensors monitoring his heart rate…..
  • He wears two-inch lifts inside his boots, which make him 6’7″. Upgraded to 2.5-inch elavator insoles for UST 4, thus making him 6’7.5″.
  • He is billed at 252 pounds but in reality he still weighs 239 pounds. (UST-3)
  • During the UST 1 one-night tournament, his personal paramedic puts three bags of IV fluid into him after each fight. Then he was rehydrated immediately and good to go right away.
  • Has informers spying the training of his future opponents.
  • Had laser eye surgery upgrading his vision to 20/10.
  • He is very well-endowed
  • Legions of groupies. Enjoys screwing female groupies all around the world. Loves to have a sex orgy with at least 5 groupies after a victory (in his dressing room AND in his hotel suite later). After a victory, his dressing room is always full of groupies. His bodyguard/best friend Big Daddy always make sure that he only has the finest and hottest groupies with him.
  • A two-faced man. In front of the camera, he always play the virtuous good guy who always say the right thing at the right time. Off the cameras, he is selfish, arrogant, cocky, distant, hypocrite, egomaniac and a PYGOD’s ass kisser.  Believes, for good reason, that the entire SLAUGHTERSPORT revolves around him. So what? He can be an asshole! He is one of the greatest of all time.
  • Has a long lost older brother, Terence Dixon II, who is estranged from family for the last ten years. Terence was rejected because he wasn’t gifted enough to accomplish what his parents wanted him to accomplish. Terence was also too rebel to submit to the tyrannical authority of his parents. After a troubled childhood and years of drugs and alcohol abuse, he was expelled from the family house at the age of 16. He was never heard of since. His family act like he never existed.
  • His intellectual prowesses and educational background has been embellished by his father.
  • Isn’t half-Japanese
  • Has a stunt double for every of his movies. PYGOD doesn’t want to see his cash cow taking unnecessary risks outside of the BattleField. 


He is #1 because he is the one with the best strategy and “special edge”.

CRITICISMS: His cerebral and conservative style was initially deemed boring and unsatisfying
to watch. However, he rally his most serious detractors with his brutality, effectiveness, and will to win. His brain (or his father giving instructions in his earplug) is his best asset and his greatest liability. He is too smart to take risks.

EQUIPMENT: Skull Cap; Mouth Guard; Vaseline on his Face and Neck; Elbow Pads; Wrist and Forearm Wraps; Fiberglass Tackified Gloves; Boxing Cup; Knee Pads; Full Body Suit; Wrestling Boots; Socks

Gene Therapy / Winstrol / Deca-Durabolin / Anavar / Dianabol / Testosterone / Human Growth Hormone / EPO / Erythropoietin / Blood transfusions / The Cream / The Clear / Insulin / Andriol / Trenbolone / Clomid / Cortisone / Modafinil / Marijuana / GHB


Always dressed like a GQ model, the guy is pure class.  He always had a lot of hype around him.  Young, good-looking, smiling, refined, articulate, skillful, intelligent, determinated, multilingual, he is the perfect ambassador for Combat Sports at large.  Always extremely popular with the kids and the girls initially, he soon became an hero for the adult men as well.

His father and maternal grandpa started training him to be a Combatant at the age of 18 months. He started his fighting career at the age of 15 in the California Fighting League (owned by his father).  He was already 6’3″, 222 lbs at 15.  Being too young to have driver license, he was given a brand new Mustang car by his father after winning his first pro match.  Primarily competed in California era during the summer months after school ended.  He learned the hard way, always fighting against full grown men often bigger than him.  Ever since, the local medias noticed his good look and soon pictures of him appeared in numerous magazines worldwide. He competed exclusively in the California Fighting League from the age of 15 to his early 18.

Signed a three-year deal with Japanese Combat Sport’s organization at the age of 18, about six weeks after his 18th birthday.  He was instantly billed as “a Future World Champion” by the promoter and by the World Champion back then.  Was trained by world-famous shoot wrestling expert Shozo Takagi during his stint in Japan.

Still fighting as the American pretty boy “Perfection” Rock Armstrong in Japan, he was ranked No. 8 Best Fighter In The World at the age of 19.

Santos Dixon pushed the idea to reinvent himself as some kind of superhero. The idea was well-received by the Japanese promoters who wanted to appeal a younger audience.

Rebaptized as the World’s Greatest Fighter and wearing a superhero-like full body costume and an helmet. He won the Japan Combat Libre Championship (title once held by Gotch Bruno) just one month after adopting his new ‘gimmick’ and went undefeated for a little over the last two years in Japan. At the same time, the comic book character World’s Greatest Fighter was created. Both the fighter and the character became extremely popular and huge success.

Santos Dixon licensed and created the World’s Greatest Fighter character and portrayed it in real-life ever since.


WGF LLC is his company named after himself that control his name, image, likeness and publicity. However his name, image, likeness and publicity rights are owned by SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. for the duration of his contract(s) with the SLAUGHTERPORT, Inc. just like any other Combatants. SLAUGHTERSPORT Management & Marketing acts as the only agent and manager of its Combatants and SLAUGHTERSPORT Law & Finance acts as the lawyer and accountant of its Combatants. WGF is no exception.

Combatants has no royalty for every products, merchandises, T-shirts, DVDs, figures, video games created by the SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. using their name and likeness. 
So any product created by the SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. using the name and likeness of its Combatant is the entire property of The Corporation.

SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. only offers the very best service in health, management, marketing, law and accounting at no cost for its Combatants (24 UST Participants).

90 days non-compete clause. The SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. has to approve each individual work engagement and public appearance.


While on top of his game and holding the prestigious Japan Combat Libre Champion title, he left Japan on good term at the age of 21 in order to train for the first ever UST. 
After a reign of 1 year 7 months 12 days, his title was declared vacant.

With an unblemish record of 7-0, WGF is the reigning and undefeated champion of the inaugural last year Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour. Proving to everybody that he always finds a way to win against all kind of opponents.

Recently travelled to Greece, where he studied and trained in Pankration with Norm of Sparta, a Pankration expert and one of five Grand Masters in the world, for 2 months. WGF says “He’s really helped raise my confidence. Now I know no one can beat me. Now I know I can make anyone tap out. Norm’s training is just the icing on a perfect package of pain.” 


While he was fighting in Japan, he appeared in several TV ads for a car dealership in Tokyo, Japan.  World’s Greatest Fighter appeared in full fighting gear with the dealership owner. 

He promotes the importance of wearing an helmet in sporting activities for kids.

He endorses anti-bullying with his children’s book — “Santos Dixon: my early challenge” — helping kids deal with bullying in school. The book was originally published in Japanese then, months later, translated in English for the American public.


Japanese promoters were looking for a way to attract young fans to fighting. So they created what’s became the most popular Saturday morning cartoon in Japan. It was called World’s Greatest Fighter, about a young orphan who became a pro fighter and fought criminals. Then “Perfection” Rock Armstrong became the World’s Greatest Fighter trading his US flag trunk for a full-body white & gold suit and helmet. To this day, we don’t know who came first, World’s Greatest Fighter the legitimate fighting star or World’s Greatest Fighter the comicbook fighting hero? Nevermind, both are the same.

Even full fight federation SLAUGHTERSPORT capitalized on World’s Greatest Fighter’s popularity and created a weekly comic book starring World’s Greatest Fighter as an urban hero.  “The Struggles and Successes of the World’s Greatest Fighter” being the first of the series.


  • World’s Greatest Fighter (Japanese) – 14 volumes; age 20-23


  • World’s Greatest Fighter (Japanese) – 105 episodes; age 20-22


  • World’s Greatest Fighter (Japanese) age 22


The only thing as good as WGF is SLAUGHTERSPORT: The Game‘s final boss, WGF

WGF is also the final boss character of SLAUGHTERSPORT: The Game.


World’s Greatest Fighter. (Japanese video game)  He appears as the main protagonist and the only playable character.  The plot is to put World’s Greatest Fighter against several different fighters to prove that he truly is The World’s Greatest Fighter.  age 21.

Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour.  Along with The Big Thing, Andromache The Great, and Simson.  He is also one of the 4 playable characters in this video game.  age 22.


The only thing as good as WGF is SLAUGHTERSPORT: The Game‘s final boss, WGF. 

WGF not only rules the real world, WGF also rules the virtual world.

WGF is also the invincible final boss character of SLAUGHTERSPORT: The Game.
An excellent way for SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. to keep its dominance over the virtual world with the invincible boss character of TWGF instead of having an Asperger nerd gamer ruling the virtual world.

There is no cheat code to unlock him and no secret trick to best him.



Was about 22 years old when he appeared in a low-budget fantasy adventure film playing the film’s title character, World’s Greatest Fighter.  The film gave World’s Greatest Fighter the same story as the Japanese cartoon character of the same name.  Abandoned by his parents, he was sent to an orphanage.  Then he was adopted by a family of fighters wanting to create The Perfect Fighter.  Puting him under an intensive regimen of physical exercise and mental training as he matures.  Making a super-hero out of him without actually having any kind of superhuman powers.  Then when he reaches adulthood; both his mind and body developed to perfection.  He became a successful pro fighter dedicating his life to fight criminals and to right wrongs, and just basically help make the world a better place.

A story similar to his own real-life story.

His real life fighting career grew out of the excitement generated by his films, his comic books, his appearances on several game shows, soap operas, TV shows, and on the covers of magazine. Has been in campaigns for major companies. Was named Best Body in Japan.

And he actually did hold the rights to the name World’s Greatest Fighter.

Will eventually be four months away from competition to film  World’s Greatest Fighter 2 or the movie / documentary about UST 2, SLAUGHTERSPORT: The Movie.

“The World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon filmography


  1. (American movie) child, uncredited – age 5
  2. (American movie) child actor – age 8
  3. (American fighting movie) stuntman – age 17
  4. The President (American movie) himself, cameo – age 17
  5. (American fighting movie) stuntman – age 17
  6. (Japanese movie) himself, small but noticeable cameo – age 19
  7. World’s Greatest Fighter (Japanese anime film) himself, voice – age 20
  8. World’s Greatest Fighter (American low-budget film) himself – age 22
  9. SLAUGHTERSPORT: The Movie / World’s Greatest Fighter 2 (movie / documentary) himself – age 23
  10. A Bollywood big-budget production, himself, cameo – age 24
  11. Hong Kong Kung Fu movie, himself, cameo – age 24
  12. Hong Kong Kung Fu movie, himself, cameo – age 24


  • World’s Greatest Fighter (Japanese animated series) – 105 episodes; himself, voice – age 20-22
  • The WGF Saturday Morning Cartoon Show (American animated series produced and diffused only on the SLAUGHTERSPORT Network) – 2 seasons – age 23-24. 
  • Indian soap opera, himself, cameo – age 24

SLAUGHTERSPORT Studios insured his face for $10 Million.

Recently took for $14,200 of private acting lessons to improve his play.

Thanks to his unwillingness to portray anything other than himself on the screen and his creative control over his scripts. Also thanks to the UST who wants to see their Champion portrayed as almighty and invincible at all time. In resume, WGF’s acting career, aside from the anime series, was more or less a failure. Now WGF will fully dedicate himself to fighting, nonetheless he will continue to do cameos in movies and soap operas for publicity purpose.

MODELING: During his pro fighting debut at the age of 15, the medias noticed his good look, and soon pictures of him appeared in numerous magazines worldwide.  He started modeling at the age of 18.  

Had appeared in covers, features and ads in major fitness and fighting
publications around the globe.

We can say that Santos Dixon is a mainstream celebrity and cross over star since day one. World’s Greatest Fighter is a HUGE star.

Excellent PR work by his dad and manager Terence Dixon.

TRADEMARK: He is incorporated. He, not his father, owns all “World’s Greatest Fighter” rights.


“World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon is the UST spokeperson. He is the one on all posters and the one that the casual audience all knows about. Entertaining in the Battlefield and on the mike.  He is not only a good performer but also a good corporate citizen.  On promotional tours, he is a public relation dream.  Has the youth, look, skill, pedigree, professionalism and positive attitude and has nothing but good things to say about SLAUGHTERSPORT.  He has the genetics, the physique, confidence, charisma, he is incredibly hard
working and persistent and a marketing guru.  He is the total package. He is a worldwide role model.  He is the mainstream spokesman of Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour. He is an icon and a national hero in Brazil and the United States. He has the look and is the most diplomatic of them all. He is the perfect ambassador for SLAUGHTERSPORT.

However, after UST 2, he became more and more inaccessible, aloof and expensive. He won’t do anything unless there is big Money involved. And the only fans he seems to care about are his disposable groupies. Vain, egostical, arrogant, unlikeable off-camera. But when the camera is on, he will play the part of the goodie two shoes franchise player the UST wants him to be.

“The World’s Greatest Man” Santos Dixon is the current SLAUGHTERSPORT Champion and the SLAUGHTERSPORT’s Franchise player. He is a proven draw and top merchandise seller. He puts asses in seats and sells as many t shirts as possible.

Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous

The World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon‘s ever expanding wardrobe already includes hundreds of taylor-made suits, dozens of Italian shoes, several coats, and fifteen expensive wrist watches. Which is rumored to be valued at over $7 Million. He is never seen twice with the same clothes.

Has a collection of 8 luxury cars. Including a Rolls Royces, a Cadillac, a Lincoln, a Ferrari, a Lambourgini, a Porshe 911, a Hummer, and an hybrid Cadillac Escalade. His favorite car is his Rolls Royces.

He owns three mansions with armed SLAUGHTERSPORT Security guards. One in California, United States (technically owned by his father Terence Dixon) where he resides with his family and servants. The two other being in Brazil and Thailand where he regularly goes for training purposes. 

For the UST-3, he expanded his entourage exponentially.

Legions of groupies all around the world…

Air Dixon One

Before UST-3, SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. bought a 12-passenger custom-built Gulfstream III private jet for $34 Million specially for WGF to facilitate his transport between his LA, Brazil and Thailand training grounds, the movie set, TV shows appearances and the UST-3 dates. 
WGF`s personalized jet Air Dixon One is owned by SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. and all the jet expenses are paid for by the Corporation.

One Billion Dollars life insurance

SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. insured the life, body and face of “The World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon for one billion dollars.

“The World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon™ himself, has a personal insurance policy of $100 Million covering his entire body against any accident, injury, illness, disfigurement. He is covered against anything that may hurt his position as a top UST Combatant and his look for endorsement deals. 

He is the world’s most popular sports hero.

UNACCOUNTABLY POPULAR  He is the Biggest Box Office Draw in the world. The biggest moneymaker in the history of SLAUGHTERSPORT. Kids loves him because of his superhero suit and persona. Chicks digs him because of his look and physique. Guys likes him because of his brutality and prowesses. He is the Franchise and THE true transcendent star of SLAUGHTERSPORT.

  • WGF is a one man brand and a marketing powerhouse. 
  • In every SLAUGHTERSPORT Center across the world there is a retail store selling exclusively WGF-branded merchandise.
  • His 13-inch rubber action figure is the best selling toy of all time. Selling a whopping 94.5 million units sold over the last 12 months (27 million units only in the USA) generating about US $945 Million in worldwide sales.
  • Selling 12 million T-shirts at $20 a each over the last 12 months generating $240 Million in worldwide sales.
  • Has for $58 Million worth of sponsorship deals for this year.
  • He is the hero of the official SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. cartoon that his named after him: “THE WORLD’S GREATEST FIGHTER”.
  • His “World’s Greatest Fighter Fan Club” sold over a million kits at $49.95 a year including a life size poster and a membership card. Grossing more than $50 Million a year for the UST. 
  • Has his face on the UST video games.
  • Over 400+ products are made with his name, likeness, and image. Each SLAUGHTERSPORT Center across the world has a shop exclusively selling WGF’s merchandises.
  • Has done hundreds of commercials. Pitching everything from televisions to cell phones, ice cream bars, fabric softener and instant noodles.
  • Has done more than a thousand interviews.
  • Boasting over 200 TV appearances.
  • He has become a favorite target of paparazzi.
  • Has a fan base worldwide that runs from 4-year-old girls to 99-year-old women.
  • His image is used to sell everything from alarm clocks and pizza to wide-screen TVs, mouse pads, lunch boxes and slot machines.
  • His bed sheets, posters, stuffed dolls, pins, mugs, bobbleheads, Halloween masks, life-sized WGF cutouts are popular items too.
  • Licensed food products like his own cereal, Eastern Eggs, caramel corn…
  • G-shock watch, Zippo lighter, alarm clock, slot machine (sold 400,000 units), educational materials…
  • WGF has his own line of sex toys.
  • Has his name and face on milk cartons.
  • All his items sell better than those of any other Combatant.
  • WGF is the UST’s cash cow. The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs.

Fighting skill, personality, charisma, fan favorite, brains, beauty, mic talent, Battlefield talent… World wide appearances in soap operas, late night shows, game shows, magazine covers etc. “The World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon is the face of SLAUGHTERSPORT.

With all his fighting, movies, cartoon, and comic books.  World’s Greatest Fighter is a real life superhero. WGF is the Supreme Gladiator – unbeaten and unbeatable.   A big part of his popularity and desirability is the notion that he is invincible.

WGF Charitable Organization

Circa UST-3, WGF and his father Terence Dixon started the WGF Charitable Organization to teach SLAUGHTERSPORT and chess to children around the world helping them to reach their maximum physical and intellectual potential.  WGF and his father Terence Dixon gave $5 Million each. We never heard anything about it ever since.

14 Wins (1 death, 8 knockouts, 5 submissions) 0 Loss

WIN   1-0    Big Bully Brawler            Submission (leg lock)              4:31
WIN   2-0    Sergio Bueno                 KO (ankle lock, pain)             17:41 
WIN   3-0    Kamisama                    Submission (eyes gouging)     17:53   Japan  (01/25)
WIN   4-0    Konga Ruopa                 KO (knee choke)                   7:09    
WIN   5-0    The Big Thing                 KO (exhaustion)                    5:46    UST 1
WIN   6-0    Andromache                  KO (full nelson face drop)       21:05    UST 1
WIN   7-0    Simson                         KO (German suplex)               7:15    UST 1
WIN   8-0    Simson                         KO (ground & pound)              4:58    UST 2
WIN   9-0    Norman di Sparta           Death (rear naked choke)       20:40  UST 2
WIN 10-0    Mustafa Muhammad      Submission (triangle choke)    1:58   UST 2
WIN 11-0    Master Shi Li                KO (ground & pound)               5:39   UST 2
WIN 12-0    Andromache                 KO (knee drop to the face)      1:50   UST 2
WIN 13-0    Kamisama                    Submission (hand smothering) 3:30  UST 2
WIN 14-0    The Big Thing               Submission (exhaustion)          5:51  UST 2

After his Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 winning, his undefeated 14-0 UST record, and most of all his slaying of the mythical and previously unbeatable Norman di Sparta. At the young age of 23 years old, “The World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon is already considered by many to be the greatest of all time.


The Perfect Fighting Sport Federation

Brought to you by

“The World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon is the exclusive property and creation of PYGOD
WGF is the exclusive property and creation of PYGOD
SLAUGHTERSPORT™ is 100% created, operated, and owned by PYGOD  
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