WMAC Masters



WMAC stands for the fictional World Martial Arts Council, where the best martial artists compete for the ultimate prize, the Dragon Star. The Dragon Star is a gold trophy that looks like a shuriken surrounded by a dragon; it was proof that its holder was the best martial artist in the worldThe show lasted for two seasons, from 1995 to 1997.

Past Dragon Star Champions (1995)

(In order in which they have held the title until someone beat them for it)
  • Turbo – Michael BernardoShorin-Ryu, Canadian, 5’10”, 169 lbs, 23 years of training, age 31, Double-Spin-and-Strike 
  • Olympus – Herb PerezTae Kwon Do, 5’9″, 178 lbs, 1992 Gold medalist, 14 years of training, age 26, Spinning Back Hook Kick 
  • Superstar – Ho Sung PakKung Fu, Korean, 5’8″, 163 lbs, 15 years of training, age 28, Pumping Side-Kick 
  • The Machine – Hakim AlstonKickboxing/Tae Kwon Do, 6’4″, 216 lbs, 15 years of training, age 29, Switching Axe-Kick
  • Red Dragon – Chris CasamassaKarate, 5’10”, 174 lbs, 24 years of training, age 30. Spinning Hook Front-Kick

NOTE: Yin Yang Man was also a contender and he challenged Turbo for the title (hence the reason that Yin Yang Man was starting on his second Dragon Belt when the series started), but Turbo defeated him. Similarly, Warlock was a contender who challenged champion Red Dragon, but Red Dragon won the match.

The Dragon Star

The Dragon Star represents the greatest martial artist in the world. The 8 Points of the Dragon Star represented the 8 points on how a true martial artist would live. The 8 Points are: DisciplineCourageForgivenessCompassionHonor,WisdomLoyalty and Respect.
In Season 2, members of Jukido were banned by the WMAC for not following the Code of the Dragon Star, but some members managed to infiltrate the competition. At end of the Season 2 finale, Hien Nguyen (Tsunami) stole the Dragon Star and brought it to a rooftop building where Michael Foley (Tracy “Tracer” Swedom) and Larry Lam (Warlock) were awaiting a helicopter. The WMAC discontinued all competition until the Dragon Star could be recovered.
The Dragon Star was built by Jim King, the same prop maker that built The Machine Body Armor and several of the weapons for the series. The original design of The Machine armor was redesigned by Jim King prior to its fabrication. The new armor design was incorporated into the toy version of The Machine.
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