Arnold looks better at 70 than he was at 35.

Sergio – Arnold
Sergio Oliva vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger physical comparison NECK: Sergio CHEST: Arnold V SHAPED BACK: Sergio BICEPS: Arnold FOREARMS: Sergio WAIST: Sergio THIGHS: Sergio CALVES: Sergio OVERALL: Arnold Sergio's tiny waist is better. Sergio's forearms, legs, calves, and neck are bigger. Sergio's intercostals are better. Sergio's arms looks huges on his frame. But Arnold's chest…
In "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

Arnold Schwarzenegger then and now photos
Arnold Schwarzenegger Now Arnold Schwarzenegger Now Not so bad for a 65 years old man. A lot better than the following pics circulating on the net. Was this shit photoshopped? Pretty fine for an old man. Ouups! Things starts getting worse here! ORDER Yours Now Arnold Is Numero Uno t-shirt…
In "Arnold"

ARNOLD Schwarzenegger legit weight
Arnold Schwarzenegger average competition weight when he won his seven Mr. Olympia titles was 235 lbs. Arnold Schwarzenegger then and now photos Sergio Oliva vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger physical comparison
In "action hero"