1977 World’s Strongest Man Contest full footage
1977 World’s Strongest Man Contest

The very first World ‘s Strongest Man competition originally and appropriately named “The World’s Strongest Men“. As you can see below the field, the quality, and the diversity of strength athletes participating to this historical competition was amazing. Each of the eight competitors were putted out of their confort zone with the 10 very unusual events. You will certainly have a good time watching it. Enjoy!
Franco Columbu – Bodybuilder
Mike Dayton – Kung Fu master, bodybuilder & classic strongman
Lou Ferrigno – Bodybuilder
George Frenn – Olympic hammer thrower & powerlifter
Ken Patera – Pro wrestler and former Olympic Weightlifter
Bruce Wilhelm – Olympic weightlifter
Bob Young – NFL Offensive Guard
1977 World’s Strongest Man review
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