Matthias Schlitte – Popeye arm-wrestling

Matthias Schlitte – Popeye arm-wrestling

Real-life Popeye: German arm wrestler Matthias Schlitte

18 inches forearms always look suspect on a 150 pounds kid.  Even more if only ONE forearm is that size and the other is skinny.  This is the case of Matthias Schlitte, a German arm-wrestling champion.  Born April 2, 1987, Matthias claims he trains is right forearm since the age of 16 years old to attain such freaky size and strength.  He also started arm wrestling competitions at 16 years old.

But in my view, it look more like some kind of medical condition than anything else.  Maybe synthol?

It seem that he only trains his right forearm so he can enter lower classes weight without bulking up his entire body???

Matthias Schlitte in arm wrestling action

Look at Matthias right forearm it look all swollen.  Even his right hand looks swollen and his fingers looks wide apart.

Matthias Schltte and Pierre Branders at Rochefort 2008.

Can you see the similarity?

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4 thoughts on “Matthias Schlitte – Popeye arm-wrestling

  1. It's a genetic defect, no synthol steroids or whatever.
    He makes arm wrestling to make his disability to its strength. So he is a strength fighter.

  2. hy if this guy Looks in the mirror what does he think im hot or what somebody should tell him to Train the rest of his Body to catch up if hes not bright enough to tell himself

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