Two 350-pound wrestlers destroying two Lesbians for faking it

Two very big and agile Samoans wearing athletic gear and destroying unentertaining people on order of Eric Bischoff.

3-Minute Warning
3-Minute Warning
Jamal (future Umaga) & Rosey (future Super Hero In Training)
Two 6’4″, 350-pound cousins with 7 years of pro wrestling experience each.

The Lesbians WWE

3-Minute Warning destroyed The Lesbians for not being entertaining
3-Minute Warning destroyed The Lesbians for not being entertaining and faking it.
3-Minute Warning destroyed The Lesbians for not being entertaining
3-Minute Warning destroyed The Lesbians for not being entertaining

3-Minute Warning destroyed The Lesbians for not being entertaining
Holy shit! Two women getting mauled by two 350-pound men!!
It’s certainly worthy of a stretcher ride!
3-Minute Warning destroyed The Lesbians for not being entertaining

The entire NSFW video here below!

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