current WWE jobbers

Jobbers have always been and will forever be a part of pro wrestling. Boxing and MMA have their tomato cans and wrestling has his jobbers. To make winners you need losers.

Duane Gill was your typical no-name jobber in the 80s and 90s.

Prior to the Monday Night War (WWF vs. WCW), jobbers were speedo wearing scrubs (S.D. Jones, The Brooklyn Brawler, Tiger Chung Lee, Dusty Wolfe, Jerry Allen, Rick Hunter, Sivi Afi) waiting to get annihilated in a matter of seconds. Now jobbers are a lot more… ehhhh… a lot least… ehhhh… Now jobbers are simply wrestlers who fell off the mid-card status. Contrary to the Saturday Morning jobbers our current jobbers have look, character, and personality. They just fell off the track.

A hero in Mexico, a loser in United States.
Sin Cara is the most overqualified of them all.

Last week the WWE got rid of several, mostly unused, jobbers. Don’t cry they still is a couple of useful and entertaining losers around.
(wwe released June 12, 2014)

Former Arena Football League player
6’6″, 270-pounds of muscle
5 years pro, age 37
545 lbs Bench Press
Titus O’Neil is the James Thompson
of pro wrestling

Current WWE jobbers are:

Sin Cara
Heath Slater
Titus O’Neil
Damien Sandow
Zack Ryder
Xavier Woods
The Great Khali

7 ft 1 in, 347 lb and former World Champion
No matter how clumsy he is, The Great Khali shouldn’t be a jobber
once losing to Heath Slater on TV!?!

The above WWE jobbers can be categorized in three categories. The goofy jobbers (Santino, Heath Slater, Damien Sandow), the overqualified (Sin Cara, Titus O’Neil, R-Truth, The Great Khali), and those who just plain sucks (Zack Ryder, Xavier Woods).

Born to be a Jobber
Zack Ryder

Just like cockroaches, jobbers will be there till the end of times.

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