TNA iMPACT Sacrifice (Sunday, April 27, 2014)
Eric Young (TNA’s version of Daniel Bryan) promo of the underdog people’s champion who bacame world champion.
The BroMans (Robbie E, Jessie Godderz and DJ Z) (c) vs. The Wolves (Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards) 3-on-2 Handicap match for the TNA World Tag Team Championship
BroMans are TNA’s version of 3MB. At least 3MB aren’t Tag Team Champions… Taz says they got a pack house tonight. They probably gave away tickets… MVP make it a no dq match…
The Wolves win the TNA World Tag Team Championship. It was a very good match! Unusual teamwork!
Mr. Anderson vs. Samuel Shaw “Committed” match; loser will be sent to a mental institution
The creepy Christi Hemme’s stalker Samuel Shaw
Mr. Anderson wins when he sends Samuel Shaw into the padded wagon.
Kurt Angle and Willow vs. Ethan Carter III and Rockstar Spud Tag team match
Rockstar Scrub really looks like a faggot!!
A one-sided match on paper, two world class wrestlers vs. one jobber and an undersized scrub.
Kurt Angle and Willow AKA Jeff Hardy win with some trouble?!?
How can the 135-pound Rockstar can kick out of a pin????
Mike Knox in a car with an hot chick?
Sanada (c) vs. Tigre Uno Singles match; Match 3 of the Best of 3 Series for the TNA X Division Championship
Sanada is 26 years old… Sanada wins with a moonsault and still X Division champion.
James Storm vs. Gunner “I Quit” match
Blood! Blood! Blood! Some hellacious “Holy Shit!” bumps… Gunner wins when James Storm had a shard of glass in the eyes.
Madison Rayne (c) vs. Angelina Love Singles match for the TNA Knockouts Championship
The Beautiful People are back!!! Yes sir!
Madison Rayne entrance music is so shitty!!!
Angelina Love wins the match and the title thanks to super hot Velvet Sky and a can of hair spray. Boring match!
Bully Ray vs. Bobby Roode Tables match
|Shit Factor” chants… Double fingers… The fuckin’ ref is knock out…. Bully Ray should have win this but the fuckin’ ref is out!!! Same old bullshit! Bobby Roode wins when the 300-pound Bully Ray is pushed through the table by… Dixie Carter disguised as an ugly small bearded man??? WTF?
Eric Young (c) vs. Magnus Singles match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Eric Young playing Daniel Bryan’s role as the underdog people’s champion. And Magnus is a Randy Orton wannabe. TNA is so lame!
The match is long and dull…. zzzzzz Magnus