Alexandre Villeneuve natural bodybuilder

Alexandre Villeneuve getting his Pro Bodybuilder card IDFA (International Drug Free Athletics) in the Heavyweight class on Saturday, July 12, 2014. Accompagnied by his charming girlfriend Carla Portolese

 Shooting 31 octobre 2013

ALEXANDRE VILLENEUVE MEASUREMENTS (cold & in-season) July 13-14, 2014

Birthdate: August 8, 1986
Birthplace: Roberval, Quebec, Canada
Residence: St-Félicien, Quebec, Canada

Height: 5’9″ (176 cm)
Weight (in-season): 180 pounds (empty stomach at morning)
Weight (on stage): 174.2 pounds
Bodyfat (in-season): 5%
Weight (off-season): 195-200 pounds (194 pounds at his best in April 2014)
Bodyfat (off-season): 7%
Bodybuilding Category: Heavyweight (Over 170 lbs)
Arms: 16 1/4 inches (cold)
Arms (off-season & pumped): 17 3/4 inches
Chest: 42 inches
Waist: 33 inches (at most)
Thighs: 23.5 inches
Calves: 16 3/4 inches
Forearms: 12 3/4 inches
Shoulders: 49 1/4 inches
Hips: 37.5 inches   


+ For 3 months (April 12 to July 12) he didn’t eat any sugar at all.
+ For 6 weeks leading to his contest 
   – He did cardio 2 times a day, 7 days a week.  30 minutes of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) in the morning before eating. Plus an hour session of cardio later in the day. For a total 1h30 of cardio a day.
   – Weight training 5 times/days a week for almost 20 hours a week.
+ For 3 weeks leading to his contest, he ate just fish and no meat.


He participates in two bodybuilding competitions with great success.

IDFA Eastern Canada Classic (October 5, 2013)
– 1st Middleweight and Overall

IDFA Capital National Classic (July 12, 2014)
– 1st Heavyweight
– Earning his IDFA PRO card.


Trainer (workout & diet): Pascal Lapointe of Optimal Physique
Job: Physical Education teacher at Girardville primary school
Goal: Being a role model to kids and adults alike. Promote an healthy lifestyle, a good diet, and regular physical activity without steroids.
Next Competition: July 2015, IDFA Pro   

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