Gijsbert de Groot (Straatvechters Reünie)

Gijsbert de Groot

ALIASES: SR Leider (leader); GG
BIRTHPLACE:NetherlandsAmsterdam, Netherlands
RESIDENCE:NetherlandsAmsterdam, Netherlands
HEIGHT: 6’51/8
WEIGHT: 250.8 lbs
AGE: 32
REACH: 78″

STYLE: Kickboxing, MMA


  • SEIDOKAIKAN (Japanese Full Contact Karate) World Champion
  • MMA (Japan) World Champion
Adopted a stand-up fighting style as efficient in the street, the cage and the ring.
He is a sprawl-and-brawl who prefers to stay on his feet and avoids grappling on the floor.

  • Left knee to the midsection
  • Left body kick
  • Guillotine choke

  • Kicks to the body and legs.
  • Knee strikes from the clinch.
  • Left overhands and hooks once his opponents are worn down.


CATEGORY: Chemically Assisted & Raw


  • Combat Sports Champion. 
  • Founder and leader of the ‘Straatvechters Reünie’ (Streetfighters Reunion) of Amsterdam. Owner of the gang’s gym and ‘Muscle-For-Hire’ agency.


  • Was victim of bullying and racism in the early years of his life. Instead of becoming a victim, he choose to fight back.
  • Started street fighting when he was in primary school.
  • He soon realized that he was addicted to violence, addicted to the thrill of fighting.  
  • Began Kickboxing at the age of 8 as both of his parents were practitioners.
  • Through his older brother, he started training in MMA at the age of 15 under .
  • Is involved in organized street fighting since his teenage years.
  • Had his first pro fight (a win) at the age of 19.
  • Founded the ‘Straatvechters Reünie’ (Streetfighters Reunion) of Amsterdam at the age of 20.
  • Gained national fame as a street fighting gang leader via appearances in front of news’ cameras and on the front pages of newspapers. 
  • He enjoys the regular media coverage, notoriety and publicity. Attracting an increasing number of young men to his gang and drawing more people to his fights.
  • Fought all across the globe; America, Europe and Asia.
  • He is the only fighter to hold world titles in both MMA and Kickboxing at the same time.

PYGOD called him: “The most overqualified street fighter ever.”


  • Tracksuit
  • Mouth guard
  • Groin protector
  • MMA gloves
  • Athletic steel-toe shoes
  • Beanie with face mask

  • Four soldiers who are also pro fighters. Including his four-year older brother.
  • 300 ‘Straatvechters Reünie’ (Streetfighters Reunion) gang members in the crowd.

  • Winning the UST-3.
  • Opening Streetfighters Reunion chapters all around the world.

Straatvechters Reünie 
(Streetfighters Reunion)

Founded by: Gijsbert de Groot
Lead by: Gijsbert de Groot alias SR Leider
Founding location:NetherlandsAmsterdam, Netherlands
Years active: Started 12 years ago when was 20.
Ethnicity: Mixed Races (White, Black, Irish and Asian)
Membership (est.): 700-800
Criminal activities: Hooliganism, riots, fighting and vandalism.

  • The only purpose of this gang is to fight. Fight for fun. Fight for a living.
  • A mixed-gender gang with members from different backgrounds. The gang welcomes everyone, from ex-cons to lawyers.
  • Members train in Combat Sports and workout. 
  • Members wear gum shields, MMA gloves, groin cups, steel-toe shoes and boots, tracksuits, military clothes, bomber jackets, face masks.
  • They seldom drinking alcohol and doing drugs cause they need to be alert for fighting.
  • Travelling and touring Europe on gang buses.
  • They often have previous convictions for violence.
  • Right-wing groups are their favorite targets. 
  • The gang became notorious after killing a neo-nazi skinhead by throwing him from a moving train. Ever since the gang was glamorized as a vigilante group and received extensive press coverage. 
  • They worship their leader Gijsbert de Groot.
  • They riot everytime their leader lose a pro fight.
  • The gang recorded an album of their chants.

Gang mantra: Live to fight. Fight to live. (Leef om te vechten. Vechten om te leven.) Written on the business cards the gang leave on their senseless victims.

FAVORITE QUOTE: “I was a street fighter before being a professional fighter.”

MUSICAL THEME: Live to fight. Fight to live. (Leef om te vechten. Vechten om te leven.) An hooligan’s stadium chant recorded by the Straatvechters Reünie.

Date de création Dimanche 5 mars 2017

Gijsbert de Groot, Straatvechters Reünie and SR Leider are the exclusive property and creation of PYGOD
Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour™ / UST™ / UST-3 is the exclusive property and creation of PYGOD
SLAUGHTERSPORT™ is 100% created, operated, and owned by PYGOD
THE WORLD’S GREATEST FIGHTER™ is the exclusive property and creation of PYGOD
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