Greg Valentino synthol icon

“The Man Who Started It All”
Greg Valentino
5’5″ Greg Valentino got his arms to 27 inches not by using synthol oil, but massive dosages of testosterone (5000 mg a week).  The steroids’ oil accumulation and the specific site of injection got the same “look” effect as synthol (plus the anabolic effect of roids).   

With Greg Valentino, forget the ultimate bodybuilding utopia to have legs the same size as your waist.  For it’s arm size vs waist size.  27-inch arms with a 27 inch waist.


Just like me, Greg Valentino doesn’t give a fuck about symmetry. 
He just wanted to be the biggest freak around.

Greg Valentino steroids video
Greg Valentino’s results of fooling around with a dirty needle. 
The only bodybuilder around to honestly talk about his steroids usage.
After Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno, Greg Valentino is the third best known bodybuilder in the world.

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