Larry Allen 700 lbs Bench Press video



Larry Allen 700 lbs Bench Press (with way too much assistance)

Watch as Larry Allen works his way up to a
700 lb. bench press during the spring of 2001. 

Born November 27, 1971,  Larry Allen is 6’3″, 325 pounds and was 30 years old at the time of the lift. 

Played in the NFL football league as a Guard from 1994 to 2007.

He won ESPN’s “Strongest Man Award” during
the Pro Bowl weekend in
2006 by bench pressing 43 reps with 225 pounds.

Larry Allen also claims an unwitnessed 905 lb squat?!?

He starts with an assisted 635 lb., then an even more assisted 675 lb. and a hard-fought 700 lb. with way too much assistance. All his lifts are done with his ass off the bench! I must say that his three lifts would have been refused in a powerlifting competition.

Strongest Man in NFL history… Best Offensive Linemen of
All-times… Hall of Famer Larry Allen


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