Mike O’Hearn the original Gladiator


  • 4-time Natural Mr. Universe
  • 7-time Fitness Model of the Year

Lifetime Drug-Free Athlete

The ultimate and original modern-day Gladiator

Birthdate: January 26, 1969
Birthplace: Seattle, Washington, United States 
Residence: Beverly Hills, California, United States 
Height: 6’3″ (1.91 m)
Weight: 247-263 lbs (112-119 kg)
Arms: 21 inches
Waist: 29 inches (on-stage)
Body Fat: 4% (on-stage)

Occupations: Bodybuilder, actor, powerlifter and fitness model
Sports: Natural Bodybuilding, Strongman, Power Lifting, Olympic Weightlifting and Mixed Martial Arts. 

Appeared as:

Thor” a reserve in American Gladiators (the original 1989-96) in 1995 through 96.

Michael O’Dell” the poster boy of BattleDome from 1999 to 2001


Titan” the Gladiator captain in  American Gladiators (the revival 2008) Initially he was supposed to be named “The Natural” or “Captain America”.

Mike O’Hearn is the only individual to be a Gladiator on both the original and the revival American Gladiators series. And he was THE man in the Gladiators-like show BattleDome. Mike O’Hearn the ultimate and original Gladiator.

Mike O’Hearn is the real-life Superman


  • 7-time Fitness Model of the Year (unfortunately putting that title into retirement)
  • 4-time Mr. Natural Universe (Mr. California, Mr. USA, Mr. America and Mr. International)
  • Was voted one of the 12 greatest physiques of all time by the fitness industry.
  • Graced the cover of over 500 magazines of fitness, bodybuilding and martial arts worldwide.
  • Cover model for more than 100 (Topaz) romance novels
  • Teenage Washington State Bodybuilding champion at 15
  • 3-time All State Defensive Tackle and All American college football player
  • 4-time California Power Lifting Champion
  • California Tae Kwon Do Champion
  • 2-time Iron Warrior 
  • Decathlon of Strength Strongman Champion
  • 2-time California Judo Champion
  • 2-time West Coast Strongman Competition winner (2007-2008)
Guiness World Record Holder for “Most Panes of Glass Run Through Consecutively”. Who care?
  • Inducted in Bodybuilding Hall of Fame in late 2011
  • Hall of Fame Martial Artist
  • Guiness World Record Holder for “Most Panes of Glass Run Through Consecutively”
  • Former Team Captain for Bodybuilding.com (mine is George Hackenschmidt
  • Team Captain of MAGNUM Nutraceuticals
  • King of Self-Promotion
  • Shits flames and spits fire.
In 2008, Mike O’Hearn claimed that he was about to get
the roles of Conan the Barbarian and Captain America.
It was bullshit!

Mike O’Hearn 29-inch waist at 247 pounds


Mike O’Hearn with the strongest man alive Zydrūnas Savickas and a tall freak

Bench Press: Over 600 lbs raw
Squat: Over 800 lbs with no belt
Deadlift: Over 800 lbs with no belt
Leg Press: Too many fuckin’ plates to count
Incline Press: 420 lbs
Dumbbell Press: 200 lbs
Pullups: 35 in 30 seconds at 272 pounds
40-Yard Dash: 4.7 seconds

17 plates per side for a total of over 1530 lbs


  • Grew up on a farm with nine siblings being the younger of five boys. He had his ass kicked regularly by his older brothers and sisters.
  • Started bodybuilding at age 7 to emulate his father and older brothers. His entire family were involved in martial arts and weight training. 
  • At 13, he chose friends who were into martial arts, strongman, powerlifting and bodybuilding.
  • Started competing in bodybuilding at 15, when he won the Teenage Washington State competition.
  • His typical day is to get up at 3am and go to sleep at 9pm. He is a very busy and in-demand man. The only constants in his days are his 4am workout and the time he spends with his 4 dogs. 
Mike O’Hearn deadlift 655 in a contest

  • His
    training philosophy revolves around the Big 4 compound movements (Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift and Chins). One bodypart a day. 5 days a week. Always heavy, raw, no straps, no wraps, no suits, no belts, no braces, no fake!!! He is said to train harder than anyone.
  • Squat is his favorite exercise. “Squatting is like breathing to him.”
  • He follows a very strict diet and rarely cheats. 8 meals a day. 30 grams of protein per meal.
  • His cardio is his martial arts training. Judo and Vale Tudo 3 times a week for a total of 6 hours a week.
  • Does full decline weighted situps with a 45lbs plate behind his head for 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Food intake first and supplements second. He takes a lot of supplements and is well-paid to do so. HTP, calcium-magnesium-zinc, BCAA, Multivitamin, Fat-burners, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, L-glutamine.
Mike O’Hearn front squat 6 plates (585 lbs) beltless
  • He attributes his successes in many sports to his “school mentality“. Doing different things in a day, just like in school. He never liked doing just one thing. He likes the variety you get from doing several things.
  • He always had the drive to be both strong and athletic. As he said: “It was like trying to be both Bruce Lee and Arnold Schwwarzenegger at the same time.” 
  • In school, he was dyslexic, couldn’t read and write, and was in special-ed classes for most of the time.
Mike O Hearn stating once again that he is natty



“You call me a Model but I am an Athlete.
I am the Undefeated American Gladiator Titan, Five time World Record holder, Judo Champion, Powerlifter Champion, Strongman Champion, and Four-time Mr. Universe who has also been welcomed into the Bodybuilding Hall of Fame.
An example of my power is at 272 lbs I can do 35 pulls up in 30 seconds and run 40 yards in 4.7 seconds.
Of all these titles my proudest achievement is that I’m a lifetime drug-free athlete.
I accomplish my goals through dedication, discipline, training and sheer will to achieve a higher level of me.”

Mike O’Hearn

“I stayed lifetime drug-free because that was my choice… But understand I never want to look drug-free. I’m 6’3 262lbs cut & strong as Zeus”
Mike O’Hearn

Lifelong Tested Drug Free Athlete
Competing regularly in natural bodybuilding and powerlifting. O’Hearn must have been tested one way or the other. And I know that natural bodybuilders must pass a lie detector, which is virtually impossible to cheat.

Mike O’Hearn with his smoking hot
former wife Midajah in May 1998

Was married with fitness model, mega hottie, and Scott Steiner‘s valet in WCW wrestling Midajah O’Hearn.

Mike O’Hearn with then girlfriend Sherlyn Roy

Known as the fittest couple in America, O’Hearn has teamed up with Miss Fitness California and Miss Tri-Fitness World Champion, Sherlyn Roy, to create S.H.I.F.T.I.N.G.-Serious High Intensity Fitness Training Integrating Nutritional Guidelines for their high profile clients of Hollywood executives and heavy hitters.

He has described bodybuilding as“the ultimate test”and that weight training is“critical for human growth and development”.

A life-long proponent of the natural approach to bodybuilding, Mike is the author of  Proven Techniques for Drug Free Bodybuilding. 
[amazon bestseller =”mike o’hearn” items=”8″]
A book which he wrote to inspire and teach the next generation of weightlifters and bodybuilders that you can achieve success without the use of enhancers such as steroids or growth hormones. 
He is also the creator of -Power-Bodybuilding- a style of training and the principles he uses to achieve the longevity and success in his physique, and in the health and fitness industry.

Mike O’Hearn

4-time Mr. Natural Universe

7-time Fitness Model of the Year





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