Rodrigo Ferraz synthol

Rodrigo Ferraz

6’5″, 238 lbs (1.95m, 108 kg)

The man with the biggest tits / pecks in the world! Synthol or implants??? I let you decide!
Synthol man translated! [Original]
15 diagonal push-ups is bad ass because traditional push-ups are too hard??? Exercising with “heavy” 12 pounds dumbbells and feeling a pump!?!Is he serious!?! Claims to be all natural with functional muscles… Said he never heard of synthol injections… “If you never see me in the gym. It’s because I’m naturally gifted.” What a joke! Food is for pussies. Don’t need that shit to get jacked.” Even if he claims to know nothing about the supplements he take. Pecks bouncing for the females… “Women can’t resist me. That’s why I stay home all day.” He claims to have had sex with 2000 women. Say he is an experienced MMA fighter who put Anderson Silva out of the country.  And a lot much more B.S!

Synthol and/or implants, this Rodrigo Ferraz alias “Synthol Man”, “Man Boobs Man” from Brazil is maybe a lot brigher than you might think. He is certainly a good entertainer and a great shit-talker. He attains some kind of world-wide fame by shooting synthol and saying bullshit! So I can say that Rodrigo Ferraz is full of synthol and full of shit.

My analysis: Rodrigo Ferraz is a synthol & implants freak and he make joke about it. He is also a persona, an attention whore, and a self-centered youtuber who dreamed about achieving world-wide fame and notoriety. Done thing!

Rodrigo “Synthol Man” Ferraz

“He posted like 30 videos on youtube of him dancing, stripping, showing off his “awesome” body and 19 inch biceps. Pretty much unbeatable king of douchebags.” – a forum post

“o far English speakers have been denied the honor of understanding synthol man. Not anymore. now for all to enjoy……synthol man translated into english. Check this synthol injected clown out. He has oil muscles and he dances around like he is arnold.

there is a huge debate going on in Brazil (where this man is from ) right now: are these huge tumor-like things silicon implants or the result of synthol injections?

His physical appearance would suggest pectoral implants combined with synthol site enhancement injections in his Deltoids, Biceps, Triceps and Trapezius muscles. If you look closely at the top of his Trapezius muscles, you can actually see lumps of scar tissue visibly forming from the regular Synthol injections. There is no apparent scarring on his arms, which would negate any accusations of surgery, although the scars could be camouflaged with the tattoos.

Curitiba – Paraná – Brazil. No fundo creio que ele não seja tão maluco,e o que está fazendo(se expondo ao ridículo)é porque tenha algum plano B na manga,pra que possa reverter o jogo a favor dele.Acredito que ele não possa sofrer de alguma doença tão grave que faz com que ele tenha uma distorçao de como enxerga o seu corpo,totalmente desproporcional,ante-braço com o biceps e peito com um lado maior que o outro sem nenhum sinal de musculos,um trapézio sem rima nenhuma com os ombros.Espero de coração que ele tome juizo.”  – from a youtube video post

“He posted like 30 videos on youtube of him dancing, stripping, showing off his “awesome” body and 19 inch biceps. Pretty much unbeatable king of douchebags.”  – a forum post

Synthol Rodrigo is a celebrity

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    5 thoughts on “Rodrigo Ferraz synthol

    1. No, this Rodrigo Ferraz is a showman and an entertainer. He doesn't take himself seriously. He seems to like to use self derision to entertain the audience, HIS audience.

    2. That might be, l dot know much about the guy. But a brazilian friend of mine watched the video and she confirmed that the translation was all a joke. Anyways, l think the "translation" is hilarious!

    3. Rodrigo Ferraz… aka "the greatest traps of Curitiba" hahaha this guy is a joke in the circuit of national strength and academies (or rather was, until he died of AIDS in 2011)

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