Sebastian Alexander
Sebastian Alexander
Cape Town, South Africa

SLAUGHTERSPORT Training School, Southern California, USA

HEIGHT: 6’6″
WEIGHT: 270 lbs
EXPERIENCE: 5 years of full-time training
AGE: 23
- Went undefeated 85-0 against commoners in his five years at the SLAUGHTERSPORT Training School.
- Went undefeated 31-0 against fellow trainees in his five years at the SLAUGHTERSPORT Training School.
- Played basketball at SACS High School.
CATEGORY: Chemically assisted & Raw
FAVORITE MOVES: Rear Naked Choke with Heel Kicks to Groin… Right High Kick to the Head… Right Clothesline to the Side of the Neck… Stampede (foot stomping, soccer kicks, knee drops).
Openly gay man. Involved in male prostitution and gay porn… As any trainee of the various SLAUGHTERSPORT training factories. He was taught to attack non-stop, relentlessly.
THEME SONG: Curtis Axel – Beyond Perfect WWE theme
WWE Nexus theme ‘We Are One’
Sebastian Alexander and SLAUGHTERSPORT Training School is the exclusive property and creation of PYGOD
SLAUGHTERSPORT™ is 100% created, operated, and owned by PYGOD
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