Strongest NFL Football Players

Strongest NFL Football Players of all time

Ernie Ladd

Defensive Tackle  #77
Born November 28, 1938 died March 10, 2007
AFL career: 1961-1968 

6’9″, 315 lbs

Chest: 52″
Waist: 39″
Biceps: 20″
Neck: 19″
Shoe Size: 18D

Ladd was said to be the biggest and strongest man in professional football
during his era


After a knee injury ended his football career, he turned to wrestling full-time
in 1969. He retired from wrestling in 1986.

Bob “The Boomer” Brown

Offensive Tackle #76
Born December 8, 1941
NFL career: 1964-1973

6’4″, 290-300 lbs 
(at a time when most linemen weighed around 260)

40-yard dash: 4.6 seconds

Shoe Size: 13 triple E
Biceps: 20″
Thighs: 33″
Neck: 18 1/2″
Chest: 57″

Polished his footwork with rope skipping and trained 5 hours a day in the off-season.

Could supposedly military press 400 lbs. off the rack, cold with no warm-up 
(He had a weight room built in his house and in 1966 his military press was within 10 pounds of the American record.)

  • College Football Hall of Fame 1993
  • Pro Football Hall of Fame 2004 

“Bob was the most aggressive offensive lineman that ever
played,” said John Madden

Bob Young 

Offensive Guard
Born September 3, 1942 died June 17, 1995
NFL career: 1966-1981

6’1″, 284 lbs
22-inch neck

World’s Strongest Man contest – 1977 (2nd) and 1979 (5th)

Bench Press: 500 lbs 
Squat: 800 lbs 
Deadlift: 800 lbs

He was the older brother of three-time world powerlifting champion Doug Young

1977 World’s Strongest Man review


Jon Kolb 

Offensive Tackle
Born August 30, 1947
NFL career: 1969-1981 (Pittsburg Steelers)

261 lbs

World’s Strongest Man contest – 1978 (4th) and
1979 (4th)

Bench Press:500 lbs 
Squat: 600 lbs

During his playing days, Kolb was widely regarded as one of the strongest men in
the NFL and played like the strongest one.

John Matuszak 

Defensive end
Born October 25, 1950 died June 17, 1989
NFL career: 1973-1981

6’8″, 309 lbs

World’s Strongest Man contest  – 1978 (9th)

John was the Wisconsin Class A state champion in the shot put with a throw of 58
feet 11 inches.

He was also famous for his partying and endless use of painkillers and other drugs.

In 2005, Sports Illustrated named him one of the top five all-time “bad boys” of the NFL.

Matuszak became a fairly successful actor in the 1980s, making appearances in movies and on television.

The perfect gay bear wet-dream, hairy and bearded, John Matuszak posed in Playgirl in 1982.

Died of a prescription drug overdose on June 17, 1989.

Craig Wolfley 

Offensive Lineman
Born May 19, 1958
NFL career: 1980-1991

6’1″, 265 lbs

World’s Strongest Man contest – 1981 (5th)

  • A real Strength Fighter, in addition to football, Wolfley competed in weight lifting, boxing, sumo
    wrestling and martial arts.
  • In 1985, Wolfley placed second in the first professional sumo wrestling
    tournament ever held in North America.
  • In 2002, Wolfley lost a four round boxing match to Butterbean.
  • He also holds a black belt in Jiu Jitsu.

Keith Bishop 

Offensive Linesman
Born March 10, 1957
NFL career: 1980-1989 (Denver Broncos)

6’3″, 265 lbs

World’s Strongest Man contest – 1981 (6th)

Curt Marsh 

Offensive Tackle
Born August 25, 1959
NFL career: 1981-1987

6’3″, 265 lbs

World’s Strongest Man contest – 1982 (6th)

He underwent more than 20 surgeries for football-related injuries, including a foot amputation, which he attributes to inadequate medical care.

Ross Browner  

Defensive end
Born March 22, 1954
NFL career: 1978-1987

6’3″, 262 lbs

World’s Strongest Man contest – 1982 (10th)

Adam Archuleta

Born November 27, 1977
NFL career: 2001-2007 

6’0″, 210 lbs

Bench Press: 530 lbs
Squat: 663 lbs 
Power Cleans: 315 pounds
Bench Press 225lbs x 31 reps

40 yard dash: 4.37 seconds   Vertical Leap: 39″

Casey Hampton

Nose Tackle
Born September 3, 1977
NFL career: 2001-2012 (Pittsburg Steelers) 

6’1″, 325 lbs

Bench Press: 600 lbs    
Squat: over 800 lbs

Fellow teammate Brett Keisel has been quoted as
saying, “When God built a nose tackle, he built Casey Hampton.”

40 yard dash: 5.25 seconds

Sam Rayburn 

Defensive Tackle
Born October 20, 1980
NFL career: Since 2003

6’3″, 303 lbs 

Squat: 960 lbs 

Bench Press: 225lbs X 38 reps



Larry Allen

Born November 27, 1971 
NFL career: 1994-2007

6’3″, 325 lbs

Bench Press: 700 lbs (assisted)
Squat: 905 lbs (unwitnessed)
Bench Press: 225lbs X 41 reps 

Touted by many as the strongest NFL football player of all time.
winner of the 2006 NFL Strongman competition
When asked about his 225 lbs bench press for reps performance:“I usually never work out
with a weight as small as 225 pounds so it wasn’t too tough to get going.” 

Pro Football Hall of Fame 2013 

40 yard dash: 4.85 seconds  Vertical Leap: 30″

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