Synthol amputated arms
Bodybuilder arm injections solidified muscles: Amputation of stone arms loomed
A bodybuilder used injections for muscle bulking and turned his muscles to stone. He was slated for a double arm amputation because of the irreversible damage, but a doctor was able to remove the stone-like masses and save his arms.
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A bodybuilder who became so addicted to a bodybuilding oil that is injected into the arms to harden the muscles was scheduled for a double arm amputation due to what he did to the muscles in his arms. His muscles turned to stone and there was no way to reverse the effects, according to Sports Act on May 4.
Former bodybuilder Romario Dos Santos Alves was so big that children were terrorized of his physic and he looked deformed because of what bulking up with the injections was doing to his muscles. The synthetic filler was introduced to him by a group of bodybuilders he had met at the gym. It didn’t take long for him to get excited by the results of the injection and then he couldn’t stop using the oil.
At one point his muscles got too hard for a needle to penetrate and he went out and purchased specialized needles that are used on bulls because they have very thick hides. The married father of one finally got to the point where it was hard to find a place on his body that would allow a needle to penetrate.
According to the Sporting News today, this Brazilian bodybuilder injected his muscles with the drug synthol, which is “a site-enhancement oil commonly abused by bodybuilders because it can create the illusion of developed muscle.” He became addicted to the bulking up and wanted to go bigger and bigger. He wanted to look like the Incredible Hulk, reports the Sporting News.
He lied to his wife and told her that the oil left the body shortly after it was injected and that it was not harmful. He then manipulated her into helping him by having her inject the oil into places he could not reach. When finding out about his muscles solidifying she told him it was the oil or their marriage and she was furious with him for lying.
His arms had turned to solid rock-like formations. His biceps had swollen to 25 inches when he ended up hospitalized from the constant pain. He was close to kidney failure from the toxins in the oil. It was when he was hospitalized that he was told his arms needed to be amputated at a future date.
After he got home from the hospital his amputations were scheduled and he said he left the house at 5 a.m. for the procedure and his wife was crying. At the hospital the doctor decided to remove the muscles that had turned to rock to save his arms, but it was still no picnic.
The oil had solidified his arm muscles and he knew after skirting the amputation that he would never use a muscle building injection again. He stuck to his promise, but almost injected a different muscle-building drug a few weeks ago. He had the needle up to his chest, but he backed down once remembering his horrific ordeal and broke out in a cold sweat.
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