SLAUGHTERSPORT UST rules guidelines

The Perfect Combat Sport “Everything Combat Sports ought to be.”


PYGOD, Owner Creator and Supreme Leader

Who is The World’s Greatest Fighter?

The theme, the mission, the only raison d’être of the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour (UST) is to answer the above question. Who is The World’s Greatest Fighter? Who is The Undisputed Best Fighter Of The Entire Universe?

The Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour™

  1. ONE-on-one. No weight classes. Dress as you want. No Holds Barred Unarmed Combat.
  2. NO time limit. No interruption. Fight til a Combatant is clearly unconscious, submits or dies. Absolute victory.
  3. ONE BattleField. A 20′ diameter circle on a concrete floor.
  4. NO drug testing. No medical suspensions. No morals clauses. No government legislation.
  5. ONE Year-long International All-Star Random Round-robin Tournament.
  6. 24 Combatant-Participants and as many Combatant-Alternates as needed to fill-in for the casualties. GREAT they shall be. RICH and FAMOUS they shall become.
  7. Who Beat Who. THE World’s Greatest Fighter. There can only be ONE.

Survival of the Fittest

1. ONE-on-one. No weight classes. Dress as you want. No Holds Barred Unarmed Combat.

  • ONE-on-one.
  • A human being against a human being.
  • Intergender. In SLAUGHTERSPORT there are no men, no women, no non-binary there are only Combatants. Everyone fights everyone regardless of size, gender or age. It’s equal opportunity for everyone.
  • NO weight classes.
  • NO age groups. No minimum age or age limit.
  • NO drug-free category. Natural (Drug-Free); Raw (Regular Fighting Gear); Chemically Assisted (Performance Enhancing Drugs & Gene Doping); Artificially Assisted (Protective Gear & Prosthetics) are just mentioned as an information among other in a Combatant’s bio, just like his weight and height. Performance enhancing drugs, genetic enhancement, medication, and recreational drugs are legal and allowed in the SLAUGHTERSPORT. It is the Combatant’s responsability to deal with the health and safety issues of such enhancements and behaviours.
  • NO amateur category.
  • NO exhibition fights.
  • NO mandatory protective gear/clothing (gloves, mouthguard, groin cup…)
  • Dress as you want (gi, jeans, shorts, singlet, shoes, boots, anything, even naked)
  • Hands and/or wrists. Bare fists; taped fists (Muay Boran hemp rope, Ancient Greek boxing himantes) to protect the Combatant’s hands and can give him the ability to do more damage; gloves (MMA gloves, boxing gloves).
  • Pointed, steel-toed, and heel shoes and boots are allowed.
  • Protective gear (Material that provides added protection and support) such as mouthguards, groin guard, wraps, gloves, knee pads, shin guards, elbow pads, arm guards, head gear, foot padding, trunk protector are allowed.
  • A Combatant can use his uniform, gear and clothes as a weapon as long as he wears it. He cannot take it off an use it. As such, an enemy can grab it and use it for leverage. It’s a double-edged sword.
  • A Combatant can apply vaseline, grease, oil or water to his hair, face or body.
  • NO rules
  • NO holds barred
  • NO fouls
  • Just two rules: NO weapon. NO outside interference

Survival of the Fittest

2. NO time limit. No interruption. Fight til a Combatant is unconscious, submits or dies.

  • 3 ways to win: KO, submission or death
  • NO rounds
  • NO time-limit
  • NO referee
  • NO judges
  • NO decision
  • NO point system
  • NO TKO. Just total KO, complete unconsciousness
  • NO technical submission
  • NO standing 8-count
  • NObody throwing in the towel
  • NO stand-up rule
  • NO doctor stoppage
  • NO injury stoppage
  • NO stoppage at all!
  • Fights to the finish.
  • NO advance deadline for an Event conclusion.
  • It ain’t over til somebody wins.
  • It ain’t over til a Combatant is unquestionably completely unconscious, visibly or clearly submits or dies.
  • The Combatant himself is the only one who can decide of his own faith, to stop or continue a war by submitting or not. No referee, no doctor, no judge, no cornerman are entitled to take this decision in place of a Combatant.
  • NO early stoppage. A Combatant is unquestionably completely unconscious or he is not. There is no grey zone. Better too late than too soon.
  • Absolute victory.

3. ONE BattleField. A 20′ diameter circle on a concrete floor.

  • NO ring
  • NO cage
  • NO ropes
  • NO fence
  • NO corners
  • NO padded turnbuckles
  • NO padded canvas
  • Inside a 20-foot diameter circle (314 ft²). Closer proximity. Nowhere to hide.
  • On a concrete floor. Just like a street fight.
  • ONE starting signal. A gunshot, a visible flash and the start of the clock. Timekeeper.
  • ONE audience.
  • ONE real test. Competing under pressure in the BattleField is nothing like a dojo fight.

4. NO drug testing. No medical suspensions. No morals clauses. No government legislation.

  • Doping, artifially enhancement are allowed
  • NO prohibited substances
  • NO medical requirements
  • NO mandatory medical tests
  • NO medical suspensions. Combatants can fight with injuries if they decide to do so.
  • NO moral clauses. Combatants can do whatever they damn please in their private lives and homes. The SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. Mega-Corporation will support its Combatants if they get into trouble and keep them out of jail. And as a good way to boost attendance, Combatants are even expected to have sex with their fans.
  • NO dress code in and outside the BattleField. Combatants should be able to keep their personality and identity. Nonetheless UST Combatants and employees are encouraged to wear SLAUGHTERSPORT apparel.
  • NO athletic commission nor government putting their dirty noses in it.

5. ONE Year-long International random Round-robin Tournament.

  • UST is an all year-long war.
  • 24 events a year (23 World Wars and 1 presentation)
  • 1 event every two weeks.
  • 12 wars per Event.
  • 276 wars during the year-long UST Tournament.
  • Between 6 to 8 weeks off.
  • The show starts with a bang! The first war, the opening, is of main event caliber in term of interest.
  • The Main Event, the last war, is the reigning World’s Greatest Fighter facing whoever was picked by the random draw.

A World Tour travelling around the globe taking time zone into account to minimize jet lag effect on the Combatants.

  • Presentation: Circus Maximus, Rome, Italy (over 150,000 people)
  • Round 1: Wembley Stadium, London, England (90,000 people)
  • Round 2: Stade de France, Saint-Denis, France (81,338 people)
  • Round 3: Camp Nou, Barcelone, Spain (99,354 people)
  • Round 4: Olympiastadion Berlin, Berlin, Germany (over 74,474 people)
  • Round 5: Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland (82,300 people)
  • Round 6: FNB Stadium, Johannesburg, South Africa (94,736 people)
  • Round 7: Sheikh Zayeb Stadium, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (43,000 people)
  • Round 8: Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow, Russia (81,006 people)
  • Round 9: Salt Lake Stadium, Kolkata, India (68,000 people)
  • Round 10: Hong Kong Stadium, So Kon Po, Hong Kong (40,000 people)
  • Round 11: Guangdong Olympic Stadium, Guangzhou, China (80,012 people)
  • Round 12: Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta, Indonesia (88,306 people)
  • Round 13: Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan (55,000 people)
  • Round 14: International Stadium Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan (72,327 people)
  • Round 15: Seoul Olympic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea (69,950 people)
  • Round 16: Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Australia (100,024 people)
  • Round 17: Eden Park, Auckland, New Zealand (61,136 people)
  • Round 18: Maple Leaf Garden, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (14,550 people)
  • Round 19: Madison Square Garden, New York, New York, United States (20,789 people)
  • Round 20: Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, California, United States (93,607 people)
  • Round 21: Estadio Azteca, Mexico City, Mexico (132,274 people)
  • Round 22: Maracana Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (78,838 people)
  • Round 23: Colosseum, Rome, Italy (65,000 people)

  • International is synonymous with representativity and diversity.
  • Random. You can’t choose your opponent nor avoiding fighting the best Combatants.
  • Combatants don’t know who they will be fighting until the day of.
  • Round-robin tournament. A Combatant will have to face every other Combatant on a scheduled date. The best Combatants will face each other. This is the only fair way to determine who is the best fighter in the world, The World’s Greatest Fighter™.

  • No ducking of opponents. No politics. No bullshit.
  • Combatants fight 23 times a year, once every two weeks just like the old-timer boxers. A real warrior should be ready to fight at any time and deal with injuries and illness. Health is a skill, and as a Combatant, protecting yourself from injuries is part of the job.
  • However a Combatant legitimately injured and/or ill can take up to 3 Rounds off (56 days) without losing his/her rank. An Alternate will fill the spot. (see 4 Rounds Out below)

Lineal Ranking System.

  • The World’s Greatest Fighter™ and the Top Ten Combatants.
  • WHO-BEAT-WHO. A Combatant must defeat a Combatant ranked above him or her to move up the Ranking. The only other way a Combatant can move up the Ranking is if a Combatant ranked above him or her loses his Rank after missing three consecutive scheduled Rounds. However a Combatant will move down the Ranking if defeated by a Combatant ranked below him or her. A Combatant will also move down the Ranking if Combatants ranked above him or her are defeated by Combatants ranked below him or her. There is neither bias, nor voting, nor subjectivity, nor favoritism in this Lineal Ranking System, otherwise it would be a rating system. A Rank has to be earned. You are who you beat.
  • 4 Rounds Out. A Combatant is allowed to miss up to three Rounds in a row for cause of legitimate injury or illness (to be considered legitimate an injurie or illness has to be diagnosed by two SLAUGHTERSPORT-approved doctors) without losing his Rank. If he misses 4 Rounds in a row, no matter what’s the reason, he is deranked. In other words, a legitimately injured or ill Combatant will have up to 56 calendar days to recover or he will lose his rank. If a Combatant dies, his name is immediately removed from the Ranking. This rule also apply for The World’s Greatest Fighter title at the top of the Ranking. If the reigning World’s Greatest Fighter is unable to fight for 4 consecutive Rounds, he will be stripped of his title. In this case, the World’s Greatest Fighter title will be awarded to the number 1 contender.

Each UST Event comes with the SLAUGHTERSPORT Festival, a week-long event in the hosting city. Which includes:

  • Combatants appearances and autograph signing
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT Gaming Championship (eSports)
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT Open Challenge
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT Continental Tour

All Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour events are held on Saturday afternoon and evening. Saturday is the perfect day for such an event and festivity.

6. 48 Combatants. 24 Participants – 24 alternates. GREAT they shall be. RICH and FAMOUS they shall become.

  • The best fighters from all across the world.

24 Combatant-Participants.

  • The reigning World’s Greatest Fighter
  • Top Ten Ranked UST Combatants after last year UST Tournament.
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT Asia (59.81%) #1 ranked Combatant
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT Africa (16.22%) #1 ranked Combatant
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT Americas (13.44%) #1 ranked Combatant
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT Europe (9.98%) #1 ranked Combatant
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT Oceania (0.54%) #1 ranked Combatant

As many Combatant-Alternates as required due to the high number of casualties (injuries and deads).

  • The Alternate Combatants are subjectively ranked into position going from the First Alternate down to the 24th Alternate. The First Alternate will be the first to fill-in for an absent (no show, injury, illness, death) Combatant. The Second Alternate will fill-in for a second absent Combatant on the tournament bracket and so on.

Combatants, Participants and Alternates, should have a 3 months notice before the beginning of the UST.

SLAUGHTERSPORT Combatants are selected in three ways.

  • Fighting skills. The UST is above all, an All-Star Tournament who prides itself in having the best fighters in the world competing against each other on an even playing field. To do so, the majority of its Combatants are selected due to their past performances and/or ranking in the UST. Also selecting the very best Combatants from its farm system (High School, College, Training Schools, etc).
  • Celebrity. Celebrity status and name recognition to attract free publicity from the mainstream medias and new fans to the SLAUGHTERSPORT are a big plus. Stars sell by generating headlines, interest, and new fans. After all, true growth comes from gaining fans you didn’t have before.
  • Representativity. Combatants representing a geographic area, an ethnicity or a Martial Art to growth the SLAUGHTERSPORT’s audience and fanbase particularly in Asia (a market of 4.5 billion people living in 49 countries and representing 60% of human population) and Africa (1.2 billion people representing 16% of the human population) by offering them local Combatants they can relate to and heroes they can look up to. Diversity

At each and every UST World War (Fighting Event) there is always 24 Combatant-Participants and 6 Combatant-Alternates available and ready to compete.

Participants and Alternates are hyped by the press in a quest to create new stars and push the already etablished stars even further. The SLAUGHTERSPORT try to identify and promote the most marketable Combatants. But the most entertaining Combatants, those who get the biggest crowd reactions, are priorized in term of marketing opportunities. The UST listens to its fanbase. Since the best things in entertainment happen organically and naturally instead of forcing it and shoving it down fans’ throats.

Developmental / feeder / farm system.

  • Continental SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour / SCT (Asia, Africa, Americas, Europe, Oceania) 5 Continental Tournaments x 24 events each (120 events – 5 Presentations = 115 Fighting Events) One event every two weeks on the week-end just like the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour and adhering to the SLAUGHTERSPORT Constitution. However there is no championship title awarded to the winner of any SLAUGHTERSPORT Continental Tour, just a number 1 ranking.
  • National SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour / NST
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT Open Challenge (weekly Friday night TV show on a World Tour)
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT Grinder (training schools, camps, and experiments)
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT Centers (gyms)
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT programs in Colleges and Universities
  • SLAUGHTERSPORT programs in High Schools
  • Pee Wee (age 11-13)
  • Little League (age 4-10)
  • Prison system

RICH and FAMOUS they shall become…
Just to make sure that the best athletes will be draw to the SLAUGHTERSPORT instead of any other sports.

In fact, as the single most popular sport and form of entertainment on earth, the SLAUGHTERSPORT is the place where athletes can earn millions of dollars tax-free, privileges, prestige and unlimited popularity world wide.

Benefits of being The World’s Greatest Fighter™

  • USD$100 Million tax-free in PRIZE MONEY
  • USD$5 Million a year guaranteed contract as the reigning defending World’s Greatest Fighter.
  • USD$1 Million Diamond-studded Gold, Platinum and leather Championship belt.
  • Purses of $750,000 for the Winner and $250,000 for the loser for each Main Event war.
  • $360,000 in travel allocation.
  • $1,000 of SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. ownership shares.
  • Air travel by private jet and limousine transportation with personal chauffeur for him and his entourage.
  • Accomodation in ‘The World’s Greatest Fighter suite’ on the last floor of every UST Palace around the world with very specific food, a personal butler and royal treatment for him and his entourage.
  • A personal liaison/translator/concierge at every Event.
  • Travel visa and legal immunity.
  • Individual dressing room with special requests.
  • Unlimited medical, dental, health care 24/7 worldwide.
  • Marketing, management, law and accounting services.
  • Lifetime membership in SLAUGHTERSPORT Centers across the world.
  • Lifelong SLAUGHTERSPORT Network subscription.
  • Unlimited multimillion dollar endorsement deal and sponsorship opportunities.
  • Job opportunities in the Mega-Corporation.
  • Travelling all over the world in great confort with zero road expenses.
  • Eternal God-like status, privileges, legions of groupies, gifts, and the freebies that come with that.
  • Funeral expenses if necessary.

Benefits of being a Combatant-Participant

  • USD$1 Million a year guaranteed contract.
  • USD$1 Million signing bonus for the Four Originals.
  • Purses of $75,000 for the Winner and $25,000 for the loser for each war except for the Main Event.
  • $36,000 in travel allocation.
  • $1,000 of SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. ownership shares.
  • Transportation by private jet, first class flights and limousines for him and his entourage.
  • Accomodation in a five-star suite in UST Palaces around the world with very specific food and royal treatment for him and his entourage.
  • A personal liaison/translator/concierge at every Event.
  • Travel visa and legal immunity.
  • Individual dressing room with special requests.
  • Unlimited medical, dental, health care 24/7 worldwide.
  • Marketing, management, law and accounting services.
  • Lifetime membership in SLAUGHTERSPORT Centers across the world.
  • Lifelong SLAUGHTERSPORT Network subscription.
  • Endorsement deal and sponsorship opportunities.
  • Job opportunities in the Mega-Corporation.
  • Travelling all over the world in great confort with zero road expenses.
  • Lifelong fame, groupies, privileges, gifts, and the freebies that come with that.
  • Funeral expenses if necessary.

Benefit of being a Combatant-Alternate

  • A salary based on USD$200,000 a year.
  • Purses of $75,000 for the Winner and $25,000 for the loser for each war except for the Main Event.
  • $1,500 in travel allocation per Event.
  • $1,000 of SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. ownership shares for those who fight in at least one war.
  • First class air travel and limousine transportation for him and his entourage.
  • Accomodation in a first class suite in a UST Palace with very specific food for him and his entourage.
  • A personal liaison/translator/concierge/chauffeur at every Event.
  • Travel visa and legal immunity.
  • Individual dressing room with special requests.
  • A fully staffed clinic and surgery capable trauma center on place for every UST Fighting Event.
  • Free medical, dental, health care worldwide for all injuries occuring in the BattleField.
  • Marketing, management, law and accounting services.
  • Travelling all over the world in great confort with zero road expenses.
  • Groupies, gifts, and the freebies that come with that.
  • Job opportunities in the Mega-Corporation.
  • Funeral expenses if necessary.

SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. offers first class air travel, first class suite hotel accomodation and limousine transportation to his UST Combatants so they will have zero road expenses while travelling in great confort. So Combatants doesn’t have to worry about transportation, lodging, food, training facilities, etc, the SLAUGHTERSPORT Management handle the booking and pays for everything. Thus minimizing jet-lag and any trouble that can come with travelling.

SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. only offers the very best service in health, management, marketing, law and accounting at no cost for its Combatants (24 UST Participants).
Combatants are precious commodities and are treated as such.
P.S. (All Money is in USD and tax-free.)

USD$100,000,000 tax-free

  1. $1,000,000
  2. $500,000
  3. $300,000
  4. $250,000
  5. $150,000
  6. $100,000
  7. $75,000
  8. $50,000
  9. $35,000
  10. $20,000

$100,740,000 USD in Prize Money for Top 10 position.

*All salaries, purses, prizes, allocations are tax-free.

$188,271,000 in salaries, purses, prizes, and pocket Money to the 24 Combatants and 24 Alternates of UST-3.

To make things in perspective, in this world the average American family earns $40,000 a year and the highest paid non-Combat Sport athlete, an American football player, has a $77,000 a year salary.

While the champ WGF earns a salary of $5,000,000 a year and a $1,000,000 surprise bonus to participate in UST-3. WGF will also collects a $15,000 cash allocation for every of the 24 UST Events he will go and purses of $750,000 and $250,000 to the winner and losers of each of his scheduled 23 wars. And a possible first Prize of $100,000,000 to the winner of the UST-3. Notwithstanding the hundreds of millions of dollars he is expected to made in sponsorship during his career. Furthermore, everything is tax-exempt in the unique world of the SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc.

It’s not a surprise that every kid around the world want to become a UST Combatant no matter how dangerous and brutal SLAUGHTERSPORT is.
And for this reason, the publicizes all Money, salary, contract figures, purses made by its Combatants.

All SLAUGHTERSPORT Combatants have unlimited access to masseurs and therapists at Fighting Events and SLAUGHTERSPORT Centers.

A career in SLAUGHTERSPORT is arguably the most appealing and potentially lucrative to any promising athlete in the world, with the title of The World’s Greatest Fighter being the biggest in all of sport.

7. THE Best Fighter In The World. There can only be ONE.

  • ONE Man. PYGOD
  • ONE vision. PYGOD’s vision.
  • ONE organization. SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. Mega-Corporation is a tax-exempt, publicly-traded and privately controlled global fighting, fitness and entertainment monopoly. Globalizing all Combat Sports into one, the SLAUGHTERSPORT™ Mega-Corporation controls as many aspects as possible of its Combat Sport, fitness, entertainment and media empire, its production, its promotion, everything.
  • ONE TV network. SLAUGHTERSPORT Network
  • ONE promoter. SLAUGHTERSPORT Promotions
  • ONE manager. SLAUGHTERSPORT Management & Marketing
  • ONE agent. SLAUGHTERSPORT Management & Marketing
  • ONE lawyer. SLAUGHTERSPORT Law & Finance Department
  • ONE accountant. SLAUGHTERSPORT Law & Finance Department
  • ONE financial advisor. SLAUGHTERSPORT Law & Finance Department
  • ONE powerbroker. PYGOD, the owner, creator and Supreme Leader of SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. PYGOD oversees everything and has the last word on everything.
  • ONE governing body. The UST
  • ONE simple lineal ranking system. Who Beat Who.
  • ONE equitable tournament format. A round-robin tournament. Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour (UST)
  • ONE championship title belt. A Thirty Pounds, One Million Dollar, Diamond-studded, Ruby-encrusted, fur-lined, Solid 24K Gold, Platinum, and Alligator Leather Championship Belt.
  • ONE real undisputed champion. The Undisputed Best Fighter Of The Entire Universe. The World’s Greatest Fighter™. There can only be one.

Everything Combat Sports ought to be.


© Copyright 2018-2019 SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc.

All rights reserved.
This document may not be reproduced in whole or in
part in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system
now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the

SLAUGHTERSPORT™, Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour™, UST™, UST logo and slogan Everything Combat Sports ought to be™ are the exclusive property and creation of PYGOD™.
SLAUGHTERSPORT, Inc. is 100% created, operated, and owned by PYGOD™.
The World’s Greatest Fighter™ is the exclusive property and creation of PYGOD™.
No graphics, text, icons, names, logos, scripts, scenarios or photos from this document may be used without permission.



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