The annual 10-Combatant round-robin year-long full-fighting tournament to determine The Undisputed Best Fighter In The World.




Height: 8’6″ (billed)
Weight: 448 lbs (billed)
Years Pro: 28
Age: 43
Reach: 102″

Style: Pankration / Wrestling / Boxing
Fighting Record: 1415-0 (claimed)
Claims: 28 years undefeated… “never put a knee on the ground”. 
Believed to be the greatest combatant of all time.

Strengths: Enormous size and strength… He is a killer… Almost impossible to grab due to his excessive sweating.

NORMAN di SPARTA is believed by many experts to be the greatest martial arts and hand-to-hand combat champion in History. He is certainly the biggest threat ever to “World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon ‘s dominance. He is even the favorite to win this year tournament.
Odds of winning the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 this year: 5-4

World’s Greatest Fighter 

Country:United StatesUSA /Brazil
Height: 6’5″
Weight: 239 lbs
Years Pro: 8
Age: 23
Reach: 84.5″
Fists: 15″ 

40-Yard Dash: 4.35 seconds
Vertical Leap: 45″ 
Broad Jump: 11’10”
Bench Press 225 lb: 32 reps

– Black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (received at 18)
– NCAA Division I Wrestling (10 years of amateur wrestling)
Amateur Jiu Jitsu record: 40-1
MMA record: 13-6

Ethnicity: Brazilian mother/African American father

Strengths: Perfection. He is the total package.
Will to win. Gouging eyes, biting off noses, stalling the action, lay-and-pray… He will win by any means necessary.
Intensive preparation. Watch tapes, elabore strategies, practice appropriate techniques with his team. 
Weaknesses: ??? His name says it all. He is The Perfect Fighter. 

WGF is the reigning and undefeated champion of the last year Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour. He defeated everybody on the roster except Master Shi Li, Sado Maso, NORMAN di SPARTA, Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad, he haven’t faced.
Odds of winning the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 this year: 3-2


Height: 5’7″
Weight: 183 lbs
Years Pro: 7
Age: 29

Style: Judo / Kyokushin Karate
– 6th dan Black Belt in Judo
– 4th dan Black Belt in Kyokushin Karate
– Brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 

WMA RECORD: 31-0 (24KO) Undefeated WMA World’s Top Martial Artist  

– 4 times Olympic Judo Gold medalist (Middleweight & Open) at 18 and 22 
– 6 times World Judo Champion (Middleweight & Open) at 19, 20, and 21 
– 5 times All-Japan Judo Champion (Open) at 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22  
– Judo winning streak: 405 consecutive wins over a period of 1,586 days. 
– Arguably the greatest judoka of all time
– Completed the 100-man kumite (Kyokushin Karate) 
– Choked out Konga Ruopa twice in MMA/WMA matches. Once when Ruopa held the MMA title (in the match, however, only Kamisama’s WMA title was at stake)

Strengths: Complete fighter. A world class striker, kicker, and grappler… Unchokable… Undeniable strength, stamina, and resistance.
Weaknesses: “Warrior Code”. SLAUGHTERSPORT isn’t the place for civilities. Why limit yourself when there is no rules?

Kamisama was defeated last year by WGF. However he choked out Konga Ruopa twice. This year, maybe he will be able to tame WGF’s savagery.
Odds of winning the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 this year: 8-5

Master Shi Li 

Height: 5’5.5″
Weight: 125 lbs
Years Pro: none
Age: 28  

Style: Northern Shaolin Kung Fu   

Ethnicity: Asian

Strengths: Superhuman speed, reflexes, balance, and flexibility.
Lifelong training. Train 15 hours a day since the age of 5 at the Shaolin Temple.
Effectiveness. Eyes, throat, and groin are his favorite targets.
Weaknesses: Lack of size.

Master Shi Li is untested and maybe overrated. He never fought a single pro match nor official amateur match. But PYGOD was so impressed by Master Shi Li’s Shaolin training regimen that he signed him into SLAUGHTERSPORT. Despite his miniature size, Master Shi Li is probably the most feared combatant in this year Tour (last year it was Simson). Fearsome because he is lightning fast and his favorite technique is eye jab. Nobody want to lose an eye here. Simson myth was exposed last year, maybe this year it will be Master Shi Li who will be exposed as being overrated.
Odds of winning the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 this year: 2-1

Konga Ruopa

Height: 6’3″
Weight: 285 lbs
Years Pro: 11
Age: 35
Stance: Southpaw

Style: Catch-As-Catch-Can Wrestling / Shoot Wrestling
Background: Amateur wrestling, MMA, Shoot wrestling, Street fighter, Carnival wrestler
MMA Record: 8-3
+ Olympic Gold medalist in freestyle wrestling at 24
+ World Championship winner in freestyle wrestling at 23
+ MMA Tournament Champion at 32
+ MMA World Champion at 32

Strengths: Elite wrestler and submission grappler.
Experience. Have been in countless fights as a carnival fighter, street fighter, amateur wrestler, shoot wrestler, pro wrestler, MMA fighter.
Size, strength, savagery, and skills. A deadly combination.
Weaknesses: Ineffective stand-up fighter. Didn’t kick and only use his fists without boxing skills. A fearsome street fighter but can’t fight toe to toe with a world class striker… 
Nagging injuries… Short fuse. 

Defeated Simson in 1:35 returning from a broken neck in a car accident a couple of months before. However he was choked out by WGF last year and twice by Kamisama in Japan’s WMA.
Odds of winning the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 this year: 5-2

The Big Thing 

Billed from: parts unknown
Height: 7′
Weight: 410 lbs
Years Pro: 7
Age: 33 
Biceps: 26.8″
Bench Press: 705 lbs 
Punching Power: 2200 psi

– Finished 6th at the Real World’s Strongest Man competition at the age of 25.
– Finished 9th at the Real World’s Strongest Man competition at the age of 26.
– Finished 3rd at the Real World’s Strongest Man competition at the age of 30. 
– THE Alpha Male / Strength Fighter Of The Year (George Hackenschmidt Memorial Cup) Strength, Physique & Fighting competition. (this year)

Style: Street Fighting / Pro Wrestling 

Ethnicity: Caucasian/European

Strengths: Enormous size, strength, and superhuman resistance.
Devastating offense
Weaknesses: No stamina whatsoever. 5 minutes and he is done.

Oh yeah! The Big Thing! Supreme strength, size, and resistance but no stamina whatsoever. WGF was smart enough to wear him down last year. 
Odds of winning the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 this year: 3-1


Height: 6’4″
Weight: 265 lbs
Years Pro: 7
Years Active: 18
Age: 22

Style: Muay Thai
Titles: Undefeated World Muay Thai Champion
Undefeated Far East Underground Fighting Champion

Ethnicity: Asian

Strengths: Muay Thai champion… Devastating offense… Imprevious to pain
Weaknesses: Refusal to learn grappling and submission.
Instead of finishing his opponent he prefers toying with them. Machismo. Absorb blows for no obvious reasons.

Was exposed as a not-so invincible warrior by Konga Ruopa, WGF, and The Big Thing. Simson just can’t defend himself from the back position against world class grapplers (WGF and Ruopa) and can’t fight toe-to-toe against a muscle giant like The Big Thing. His stubbornness privates him for adding wrestling and grappling to his deadly Muay Thai arsenal. If he continues to stay “true” to Muay Thai. I don’t see how he can beat a complete fighter like Kamisama this year.
Odds of winning the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 this year:4-1

Andromache the Great 

Height: 6’9″
Weight: 272 lbs
Years Pro: 9
Age: 30  

Style: Hybrid (Judo/Kickboxing/Boxing)
second degree black belt in Judo
Kickboxing record: 38-0 (36)
Boxing record: 24-0 (21)
MMA record: 18-0 (15 submissions)
Combined Pro record (Women): 80-0 (57 KO – 15 submissions – 8 decisions)

Ethnicity: Caucasian/French Canadian

Strengths: FemDom (Leg Scissors). You submit or you die.
Weaknesses: Boobs. So big that they impede her movements.

Lost all her matches at the last year SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour. I don’t see how she inverts this trend this year. Nonetheless, her leg scissors finisher is deadly and unescapable to date.
Odds of winning the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 this year: 12-1

Sado Maso

Country:United KingdomUK
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 397 lbs
Years Pro: 27
Age: 47

Style: Hardcore Wrestling
Titles: Current (Pro Wrestling) World Tag Team Champion and former (Pro Wrestling) World Heavyweight Champion.

Background: Schooled in karate, judo, and amateur wrestling.

Strengths: Indestructible, fearsome, unpredictable
Weaknesses: Old, fat and out of shape.

Ehhh… He is maybe indestructible, sadistic and 400-pound but I don’t see him winning the big one this year.
Odds of winning the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 this year: 15-1

Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad 

Country:United StatesUSA
Height: 6’4″
Weight: 230 lbs
Years of Fighting: 13
Years Pro: 4
Age: 29
Reach: 81″
Fists: 13″   

Style: Bare Knuckle Street Fighter
BKB record: 105(3DQ)-1(1DQ)-16  (122 brawls)
83.6% KO rate  including 24 KO inside three minutes.

Strengths: Bare Knuckle Boxing excellence.
Weaknesses: One-dimensional boxer / brawler.
Blunt (weed cigar) & Whistea (whiskey & tea) abuser

He is maybe the perfect boxer / brawler but how far could he go in the SLAUGHTERSPORT using only his two arms?
Odds of winning the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 this year: 50-1

The combatants explained (from left to right):  I needed at least 10 Combatants AND the defending Champion to create an healthy and credible fighting league. So ten is the final number here.

No gimmicks, just diverse and unique characters from all across the globe. All legitimate champions from different regions, races, nationalities, cultural heritages, battling in a professional hand to hand combat sport tournament to determine the greatest of them all.

The Perfect Combatants for a Perfect Fighting League.

  • I needed a woman combatant, it was primordial.  A woman’s woman enough to held her own against men and kick their asses. Girl Power!
  • I needed a pure martial artist, a kickboxer.  A Muay Thai practionner was the obvious choice.  Muay Thai being such a destructive martial art, often billed as the ultimate martial art.  So my Muay Thai World Champion got to be 100% pure Muay Thai, nothing else.
  • I needed a monster heel as the main antagonist of the babyface superstar. Having a gigantic muscle monster was a necessity.
  • After some research, reading and watching videos about Shaolin Kung Fu. Despite all the Kung Fu and Bruce Lee lambashing. I discovered that Shaolin monks trains 15 hours a day since the age of 5 to be a perfect fighting machine. That a lot of their main techniques (eyes, throat, groin attacks) are illegal in any “legit” fight sports. Yes they are small, but what an heavyweight can do against a Kung Fu expert with unlimited speed, balance, reflexes, and flexibility? What a world class fighters can do against a lightning fast eye poke? Nothing! But unfortunately those facts are still unproven. 
  • To be THE fighting tournaments of all tournaments. I needed the one who is widely perceived as “the best fighter in the world“. I needed the equivalent of Mike Tyson, Alexander Karelin, and Rickson Gracie were in 1993 (year of the first UFC). I needed THE fighter in my tournament.
  • A 110% legit tough guy, shitkicker, ripper, skilled shooter… I needed a 110% capable and legit pro wrestler. A shooter!
  • A bloodthirsty lunatic, hardcore, ultraviolence, reckless, suicidal, homicidal, genocidal extreme wrestling beast!!!
  • Bare Knuckle Brawler, some kind of underground street fighter, but an extremely skilled and gifted one. A boxer, an excellent one!

Here is the result of the random drawing. The number 1 to 10 were given by winning odds order. 1 being the combatants with the best winning odds and number 10 to the one with the worse odds of winning.

norman => Simson
WGF => Sado Maso
Kamisama => norman
Master Shi Li => Andromache
Konga Ruopa => Muhammad
The Big Thing => WGF
Simson => Master Shi Li
Andromache => The Big Thing
Sado Maso => Konga Ruopa
Muhammad => Kamisama




With the 2015 calendar, 9 Pay-Per-View events the last Saturday of the month. 
After 4 months of off-season/training, the annual Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour starts at the end of April with a monthly event til the end of December.

Round 1
April 25 – Rajadamnem Stadium, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Sado Maso vs. Master Shi Li  Master Shi Li wins by submission against Sado Maso in 7:51. Sado Maso had both eyes punctured and blinded at 27 seconds into the fight. Sado Maso will probably be blind for the rest of his life. 
  • Norman di Sparta vs. The Big Thing  Norman di Sparta defeats The Big Thing by submission in 5:08. The Big Thing quits from exhaustion, as usual. The Big Thing landed just one punch, a right to the body. Norman di Sparta became really careful after receiving it. He was visibly in pain. Afterward, Norman said he never been hit that hard in his entire life.
  • Andromache the Great vs. Konga Ruopa  Andromache the Great defeats Konga Ruopa in 1:32. What an upset! What an humiliating loss for the misogynist Ruopa! The war goes as this. Andromache throws a right high kick… Ruopa feints and does a leg takedown… Andromache does her leg scissor across Ruopa’s head… Ruopa couldn’t do anything and pass out to the leg scissor/neck crank/pussy smothering.
  • Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad vs. Kamisama  Kamisama defeats Mustafa Muhammad by submission in 26:50. A painfully boring war to watch. Kamisama locked Muhammad to the ground in a side headlock for over 20 minutes. Then abruptly finished him with a cross armbreaker. Muhammad immediately tapped out to not get injured. Nobody thought it would take that long for Kamisama to finish Mustafa Muhammad.
  • Simson vs. World’s Greatest Fighter  WGF defeats Simson by KO in 4:58. WGF did a German suplex and finished him with ground & pound, elbows and punches on the dazed Simson. WGF hesitated before pursuing the ground & pound. He seemed confused in his game plan. However, WGF’s performance didn’t seem to be affected by his four months of filming and promoting his movie ‘World’s Greatest Fighter 2‘. Believe it or not, WGF has bitten the penis of Simson through his loincloth. No homo just an undeniable will to win.

Round 2
May 30 – Wembley Stadium, London, England, UK

  • Andromache the Great vs. Master Shi Li  Master Shi Li defeats Andromache the Great by submission in 2:28. When Andromache quits after receiving a finger jab in her left eye. She lost sight in her eye ever since.
  • Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad vs. The Big Thing  Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad defeats and humiliates The Big Thing in 5:15. The one-dimensional Big Thing quits from exhaustion as usual. However the clumsy Big Thing touched the overconfident Muhammad with a kick in the stomach.
  • Kamisama vs. Konga Ruopa  Kamisama defeats Konga Ruopa by KO in 31:21 foot stomping Ruopa’s face til pass out. Ruopa was caught in a body scissor for over twenty minutes. Kamisama re-injured his right eye after an eye gouging. Konga Ruopa suffered from an hyperextended rignt elbow via a cross armbreaker and another broken nose. Kamisama lost sight in his right eye from the gouge.
  • Sado Maso vs. Simson  Sado Maso will be the first ever completely blind combatant in SLAUGHTERSPORT’s history. Simson defeats the blind Sado Maso in 21 seconds with one single right high kick to the side of the head. Sado Maso fell face first to the ground, a couple of second after receiving the high kick. One more concussion for Sado Maso.
  • Norman di Sparta vs. World’s Greatest Fighter  Forget about Gotch Bruno! The winner of this war will be The Best Fighter Of All Time. WGF is the underdog in this war. Nobody see how he can win this one. WGF chokes Norman di Sparta to death in 20:40. WGF bit Norman’s legs several time and his cheek once. After 10 non-stop consecutive German suplex, he caught the giant in a rear naked choke and after a while he broke Norman’s neck choking him to death. WGF handled Norman di Sparta with more ease than everybody thought, including myself.

Round 3
June 27 – Colosseum, Rome, Italy

  • Simson vs. Norman di Sparta  Cancelled since WGF killed Norman.
  • Andromache the Great vs. Sado Maso  Andromache wears an eye patch over her left eye after losing her eye courtesy of a Master Shi Li finger jab. Not sure if the blind Sado Maso, thanks to Master Shi Li once again, will ever fight again.
  • Konga Ruopa vs. The Big Thing  Despite having his elbow badly hyperextended last month, Ruopa didn’t expressed any desire to take time off to heal his injury… The Big Thing destroys Konga Ruopa with a power bomb and a choke slam in 52 seconds. Ruopa make the mistake of trying to grapple with The Big Thing early in the war… Konga Ruopa is stretchered out with a concussion and a career-ending back injury (Spinal Cord Injury and a spinal shock). Ruopa was hospitalized and immediately undergo back and neck surgeries by the SLAUGHTERSPORT medical team. The surgeries were successful. Ruopa is expected to be out for at least six months if his rehabilitation goes well. He should underwent a knee surgery later this year. He was already a physical wreck before entering the UST this year.
  • Kamisama vs. Master Shi Li  Kamisama try to keep the information secret but he lost sight in his right eye. A bad beginning when you have to face eye jabbing expert “The Eyes Collector” Master Shi Li… Kamisama wears a protection mask with googles integrated to protect his remaining eye. It was his only condition to continue competing in this year UST. As he stated: “I love to compete but not to the price of my remaining eye.”… Master Shi Li wins by submission in 1:40 when Kamisama taps out while losing excessive amount of blood following a bite by Master Shi Li to his neck ‘s jugular. Kamisama ran backstage and was rushed to the hospital to stop the deadly hemorrhagia… As we see, Master Shi Li is not only expert at pulling eyes out. He is also expert at sucking the blood out of you!.. Kamisama vowed to never compete again in the SLAUGHTERSPORT stating “This isn’t sport. This is slaughter sport!” Ehhh, that’s the point!
  • Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad vs. World’s Greatest Fighter  WGF defeats Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad in 1:58 by tap out with a triangle choke.

Round 4
July 25 – Stade Olympique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

  • Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad vs. Norman di Sparta  No show, since WGF killed Norman di Sparta.
  • Kamisama vs. Sado Maso No show, Sado Maso is blind. Thanks to Master Shi Li.
  • Konga Ruopa vs. World’s Greatest Fighter  Ruopa is out, courtesy of The Big Thing.
  • The Big Thing vs. Master Shi Li  Master Shi Li defeats The Big Thing by submission in 4:40. The Big Thing was clueless and exhausted. Master Shi Li was making fun of his clumsiness.
  • Simson vs. Andromache the Great  Another huge upset! Andromache the Great defeats Simson in 4:14 when Simson fell unconscious in the Fem Dom (body leg scissor).

Round 5
August 29 – Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia, United States

  • Konga Ruopa vs. Norman di Sparta  Konga Ruopa is out with injuries and Norman di Sparta is dead.
  • The Big Thing vs. Sado Maso  Sado Maso is blind and retired.
  • Kamisama vs. Andromache the Great  Another upset, Andromache the Great defeats Kamisama in 31:04. When she caught Kamisama in her FemDom body leg scissor rendering Kamisama unconscious. Kamisama suffered from a badly popped out left elbow, a broken nose, and two broken ribs courtesy of FemDom. Kamisama was on the receiving end of a one-sided beating during the entire war. 
  • Simson vs. Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad  Simson KTFO of Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad in 2:52 with his Finish combo (two knee to the stomach and one knee to the face).
  • Master Shi Li vs. World’s Greatest Fighter  WGF defeats Master Shi Li in 5:39 by KO. WGF bites off the nose of Master Shi Li then, moments later, headbutting him and ground and pounding him into oblivion.

Round 6
September 26 – Estadio do Maracana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Master Shi Li vs. Norman di Sparta  Norman di Sparta is dead.
  • Konga Ruopa vs. Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad  Ruopa is out for a long time.
  • World’s Greatest Fighter vs. Sado Maso  SM is blind and retired.
  • Simson vs. Kamisama  Not sure if Kamisama, with a badly popped out left elbow,  gonna be okay for this war! Indeed, Kamisama is off for this month but is expected to return next month.
  • The Big Thing vs. Andromache the Great  Andromache the Great wins in 5:22 after The Big Thing quits from exhaustion, tired of being a defenseless punching bag.

Round 7
October 31 – Guangdong Olympic Stadium, China

  • Sado Maso vs. Norman di Sparta  Norman is dead and Sado Maso is blind. End of the story.
  • Simson vs. Konga Ruopa  Konga Ruopa is on the sideline for the rest of the year. He undergoes several surgeries. All paid for by the SLAUGHTERSPORT.
  • The Big Thing vs. Kamisama  Kamisama is back after two months out of action, suffering a badly popped out elbow. Despite being the underdog, The Big Thing KTFO of Kamisama in 3:47 with only one straight right to the face/head. Kamisama did “the leech” for the entire war til The Big Thing got rid of him and destroy him with one punch.
  • Master Shi Li vs. Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad  Master Shi Li defeats Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad by submission 1:49. Muhammad quits after receiving a double poke in the eyes. However, he wasn’t injured.
  • World’s Greatest Fighter vs. Andromache the Great  WGF defeats Andromache the Great in 1:50 by KO. A stand-up fight til Andromache got KO’d by a couple of punches to the jaw. Then finished on the ground by some hammer punches and a knee drop to her face. He hesitated before finishing her on the ground. Maybe some problem with his initial strategy? 

Round 8
November 28 – Vasil Levski National Stadium, Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Norman di Sparta vs. Andromache the Great  Norman was killed on the Battlefield.
  • Sado Maso vs. Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad  Sado Maso is blind and retired courtesy of Master Shi Li.
  • Master Shi Li vs. Konga Ruopa  Ruopa is out with multiple injuries.
  • Simson vs. The Big Thing  The Big Thing squashes Simson in 47 seconds with a choke slam and a power bomb. Simson is stretchered out with a concussion and a temporary paralysis.
  • World’s Greatest Fighter vs. Kamisama  WGF defeats Kamisama by submission in 3:30 by hand smothering.

Round 9
December 26 – Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan

  • Norman di Sparta vs. Kamisama  Norman is dead. Kamisama won’t have the opportunity to fight in front of his people.
  • Sado Maso vs. Konga Ruopa  Sado Maso is blind and Ruopa is out.
  • Simson vs. Master Shi Li  Simson defeats Master Shi Li in 6:01 by KO. Simson KO’d Master Shi Li with his trademark “Rising Uppercut” who send the 125-pound Master Shi Li flying through the air before crashing down on the ground. Then finished him with two foot stomp to the face, rebreaking his nose.
  • Andromache the Great vs. Saad Jamaal Mustafa Muhammad  Andromache the Great defeats Mustafa Muhammad by  tap-out in 3:24. Andromache the Great looked knockout by punches but she had enough left to catch Mustafa Muhammad in her dreaded FemDom body scissors.
  • World’s Greatest Fighter vs. The Big Thing  WGF defeats The Big Thing in 5:51 by verbal submission. The Big Thing quits after being out of gas and receiving a side kick on the wind pipe.
“The World’s Greatest Fighter” Santos Dixon is officially and undisputedly recognized as “The Best Fighter In The World“, one of the greatest fighter of all time, and is $50,000,000 tax-free richer.

Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour 2 
The Combatants records

World’s Greatest Fighter  7-0
Master Shi Li  5-2
Andromache the Great  5-2
Simson 3-3
Kamisama  3-3
The Big Thing  3-5
Norman di Sparta  1-1
Mustafa Muhammad  1-4
Sado Maso  0-2
Konga Ruopa  0-3

2 points for a win
1 point for a loss

1- World’s Greatest Fighter  14 pts
2- Master Shi Li  12 pts (defeated Andromache)
3- Andromache the Great  12 pts 
4- The Big Thing  11 pts
5- Simson  9 pts
5- Kamisama  9 pts
7- Mustafa Muhammad  6 pts
8- Norman di Sparta  3 pts
9- Konga Ruopa  3 pts
10- Sado Maso  2 pts

Injury & Death Toll

Norman di Sparta killed by World’s Greatest Fighter (miss 7 events)
Sado Maso injured (blinded with two eyes off) by Master Shi Li (miss 7 events)
Konga Ruopa injured by The Big Thing (miss 6 events)
Kamisama injured by Andromache the Great (miss 1 event)

With the death of Norman di Sparta and the injuries, only 27 of the 45 wars scheduled took place.

Master Shi Li‘s Eyes Collection

  • Sado Maso (2 eyes)
  • Andromache the Great (1 eye, left)

The Biggest Draws of this year UST were, in order: WGF, Norman di Sparta, Master Shi Li, Kamisama, and Konga Ruopa. As the Tour evolves, with her gutsy performances, Andromache the Great became more and more popular. And despite his major flaws, The Big Thing still is a popular draw.

The most lucrative event ever was Round 2 at the Wembley Stadium at London, England, UK. All the combatants were there, the card was astonishing, and WGF vs. Norman di Sparta was billed by many experts and aficianados as the war to determine who is The Greatest Fighter Of All Time.

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