UST Slasher
BIRTHPLACE:Helvete (Schweigaards gate 58), Oslo, Norway, Scandinavia
RESIDENCE:Solitary confinement “The Hole” in Ringerike Prison, Tyristrand, Norway, Scandinavia
HEIGHT: 6’8″ (203 cm)
WEIGHT: 275 lbs (125 kg)
AGE: 26
FIGHTING STYLE: Flailing. Frantic and uncoordinated way of fighting due to an explosion of rage, immunity to pain and hysterical strength inducted by psychosis. When Slasher is in this state, his pupils are fully dilated, foaming at mouth and an uncontrollable need to kill.
INJECTION: Moment before his war, his handlers inject him a mixture of cocaine and PCP to make him even more dangerous and unstoppable.
BASKET CASE: A misanthropic psychopath presenting himself as a satanist and a neo-nazi. He is probably suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. But the doctor was unable to gave him the diagnosis since Slasher became mute after his mass murdering. Anyway he was declared criminally insane.
NUMBER OF VICTIMS: Killed 42, Injured 23
- Familicide. Killed his entire family of 6 people (mother, father, three brothers, and his 5 years old sister) at night stabbing them to death with a kitchen knife. Did a shooting spree hours later at his school.
- Mass murder. Killed 35 people and wounded 23 other at his high school. He was 15 years old at the time. His motive was school bullying. Never spoke a word again after butchering his entire family and the high school shooting.
- Stabbed a fellow patient to death with an artisanal pic at the psychiatric institution. The victim was stabbed more than 200 times. He was 17 years old at the time. He is in solitary confinement ever since.

HYBRISTOPHILIA: Has a legion of fans from all around the world. Enamoured women and admirers sending him letters, Money, and other gifts.
- Cutting and stabbing with a kitchen knife.
- Two hands front choke
- State of psychosis. Uncontrollable trance-like fury. Will throw 100% of his available ressource into the fight and won’t feel pain. Intense rage, analgesia and hysterical strength. The trigger point is usually after he gets hit. A 5’0″ woman in such a state, at fifty kilos, require five humans at double her weight each to take her down and hold her down. A mother can lift a car to save her baby. Now just imagine what a 6’8″, 275-pound bloodthirsty psychopath can do in that kind of state.
- Size and raw strength (6’8″, 275 lbs).
- No skills whatsoever.
- Mask impedes his vision and respiration.
- Corpse paint rubber mask (with face paint on underneath). Has shaved hair and eyebrows. Dilated pupils and foam to his mouth.
- Orange jumpsuit, American prison style.
- Long black leather gloves to protect his hands who have been broken too many time.
- Steel-toe boots.
- Shock collar. His handler, one of the prison guards who escort him, can neutralize him when the war is over.
- Microchip implanted in case of evasion
- Handcuffs and leg shackles when he is not fighting. He is accompagnied everywhere by four prison guards.
The prison warden.
MUSICAL THEME: Mayhem – Pagan Fears (De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas) (1994)
VERDICT: A shitty Combatant with size and strength only driven by bloodlust and propelled by craziness.
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